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                              ARCOMP FILE

                               AR Company

The AR Company file contains the accounts receivable company records. A
company record contains the highest set of processing rules that are used for
that company. Prior to adding a company to this file, the company must be a
valid company in the Lawson General Ledger or General Ledger Interface system.


AC551     AR02.1    AR03.1    AR03.2    AR04.1    AR06.1
AR06.2    AR06.3    AR06.4    AR08.1    AR08.2    AR100
AR105     AR11.1    AR110     AR124     AR129     AR13.1
AR13.2    AR131     AR132     AR135     AR136     AR14.1
AR15.1    AR15.2    AR15.3    AR15.4    AR15.5    AR15.6
AR15.7    AR15.8    AR150     AR155     AR160     AR161
AR17.1    AR170     AR18.1    AR180     AR19.4    AR19.5
AR19.6    AR19.7    AR191     AR194     AR196     AR198
AR199     AR201     AR203     AR204     AR206     AR208
AR209     AR21.1    AR21.2    AR21.3    AR21.4    AR21.5
AR21.6    AR21.7    AR210     AR211     AR212     AR213
AR215     AR217     AR218     AR219     AR220     AR222
AR223     AR227     AR228     AR229     AR230     AR232
AR233     AR234     AR235     AR24.1    AR242     AR245
AR25.1    AR25.2    AR250     AR251     AR252     AR253
AR255     AR256     AR258     AR271     AR274     AR275
AR28.1    AR28.2    AR28.3    AR28.4    AR28.5    AR28.6
AR28.7    AR28.8    AR282     AR286     AR287     AR29.1
AR29.2    AR29.3    AR290     AR291     AR292     AR293
AR294     AR295     AR300     AR301     AR31.1    AR31.5
AR31.6    AR35.1    AR35.2    AR36.1    AR36.2    AR37.1
AR37.2    AR37.3    AR37.4    AR37.5    AR37.6    AR37.7
AR37.8    AR37.9    AR45.1    AR46.1    AR48.1    AR48.2
AR48.3    AR48.4    AR50.1    AR501     AR504     AR506
AR507     AR53.1    AR550     AR58.1    AR70.1    AR70.2
AR72.1    AR72.2    AR74.1    AR75.1    AR80.1    AR80.2
AR90.1    AR90.2    AR95.1    BL00.1    BL01.1    BL02.1
BL04.1    BL05.1    BL121     BL123     BL125     BL13.1
BL201     BL202     BL204     BL217     BL220     BL231
BL246     BL290     BL291     BL31.1    BL31.2    BL31.3
BL31.5    BL31.7    BL32.3    BL32.4    BL33.1    BL331
BL34.1    BL46.1    BL46.2    BL47.1    BL530     BL546
BL80.1    BL80.3    BL802     BL81.1    BL82.1    BL85.1
BL85.2    BL85.3    BL90.1    BL91.1    BR10.1    BR11.1
BR120     BR121     BR21.1    BR210     BR211     BR220
BR420     BR450     BRIP.1    CB191     DT170     DT181
DT185     DT190     DT220     DT270     DT280     DT42.1
DT52.1    DT90.1    DT90.3    DT95.1    GL286     GL287
IC02.1    PR197     IN20.1    TX100     TX130     TX140
TX40.1    WH110     WH120     WH130     WH21.2    WH33.1
WH33.2    WH33.3    WH33.4    WH33.5    WH33.6    WH33.8
WH33.9    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4    AR00.1
AR200     AR260     AR261     AR505


AR01.1    AR115     AR130     AR137     AR140     AR141
AR145     AR190     AR20.1    AR30.1    AR30.2    AR30.4
AR30.8    AR42.1    AR42.2    AR42.6    AR42.7    AR43.1
AR44.3    AR502     AR503     AR560     AR570     AR575
AR580     AR700     AR82.1    CB06.2    DT150     DT155
DT160     DT161     DT165     DT166     DT180     DT30.1
DT30.2    DT40.1    DT45.1    DT520     DT60.1    DT60.2
DT70.1    DT70.3    DT80.1    DT85.1    DT85.2    DT92.1


ACO-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AR01.1
Company              The company number represents an
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

ACO-CUST-GROUP       Alpha 5                                     AR01.1  AR35.1
Customer Group       Customer group assigned to this             TX130
                     company. Only customers initially
                     defined with this customer group are
                     eligible to be customers of this

ACO-NAME             Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
Company Name         The name or description of the accounts
                     receivable company. The name defaults
                     from the Lawson General Ledger system
                     unless you override it in the Lawson
                     Accounts Receivable system.

ACO-ADDR1            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
Address 1            First line of address information.
                     Defaults from the general ledger or
                     interface company address and will be
                     maintainable once it is initially added.

ACO-ADDR2            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
Address 2            Second line of address information.
                     Defaults from the general ledger or
                     interface company address, and will be
                     maintainable once it is initially added.

ACO-ADDR3            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
Address 3            Third line of address information.
                     Defaults from the general ledger or
                     interface company address, and will be
                     maintainable once it is initially added.

ACO-ADDR4            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
Address 4            Fourth line of address information.
                     Defaults from the general ledger or
                     interface company address, and will be
                     maintainable once it is initially added.

ACO-CITY             Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
City                 City Name. Defaults from the general
                     ledger or interface company address and
                     will be maintainable once it is
                     initially added.

ACO-STATE            Alpha 2                                     AR01.1
State or Province    State or province abbreviation.
                     Defaults from the general ledger or
                     interface  company address, and will be
                     maintainable once it is initially added.

ACO-ZIP              Alpha 10                                    AR01.1
Postal Code          Postal code. Defaults from the general
                     ledger or interface company address, and
                     will be maintainable once it is
                     initially added.

ACO-COUNTRY          Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
Country or other     Country name. Defaults from the general
                     ledger or interface company address, and
                     will be maintainable once it is
                     initially added.

ACO-COUNTY           Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                      AR01.1
County               County. Defaults from the general ledger
                     or interface company address, and will
                     be maintainable once it is initially

ACO-PHONE-NMBR       Alpha 15                                    AR01.1
Telephone Number     The company phone number.

ACO-FAX-NMBR         Alpha 15                                    AR01.1
Fax Number           The company fax number.

ACO-CHRG-BACK-NBR    Numeric 7                                   AR01.1  AR130
Chargeback Number    This field will contain the last used       AR190   AR30.1
                     transaction number for created              AR30.2  AR30.4
                     chargebacks. The chargebacks will be in     AR30.8
                     the form of debit memos in the open item
                     file. This number will be prefixed by

ACO-INV-BTCH-FL      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Auto Number Trans    Specifies whether the manual invoice
Batches              batches will be automatically assigned.
                     Valid values are:

                     N = No automatic batch numbering
                     Y = Automatic batch numbering

ACO-INV-BTCH-NBR     Numeric 6                                   AR01.1  AR42.1
Last Transaction     The last batch number assigned for
Batch Number         manual invoice entry.

ACO-INV-BTCH-TL      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Trans Batch Control  This option allows system batch totals
Totals               to be force balanced to header totals
                     prior to release. Valid values are:

                     N = No total balancing required
                     Y = Total balancing required

ACO-AUTO-BTCH-FL     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Auto Number Cash     This option will specify whether or not
Batches              automatic batch numbering will be used
                     in cash entry. Valid values are:

                     N = No automatic batch numbering
                     Y = Automatic batch numbering

ACO-AUTO-BAT-NBR     Numeric 6                                   AR01.1  AR115
Last Auto Batch      The last number assigned for the            AR20.1  AR42.1
Number Used          payment batch header. When a new batch      AR42.2  AR42.6
                     is assigned, 1 will be added to this        AR42.7  AR43.1
                     number and used to create the new batch     AR44.3  AR502
                     record. This number can be maintained       AR503   AR560
                     but cannot be changed to a value less       AR570   AR575
                     than the highest batch number used.         AR580   CB06.2
                     Note: This number sequence will also be     DT150   DT155
                     used for lock box interfaced cash.          DT160   DT165
                                                                 DT166   DT180
                                                                 DT30.1  DT30.2
                                                                 DT40.1  DT45.1
                                                                 DT520   DT60.1
                                                                 DT60.2  DT70.1
                                                                 DT70.3  DT80.1
                                                                 DT85.1  DT85.2

ACO-BTCH-CNTRL-TL    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Cash Batch Control   This cash option allows system batch
Total                totals to be force balanced to control
                     totals. Valid values are:

                     N = No total balancing required
                     Y = Control balancing required

ACO-SUMM-BTCH-NBR    Numeric 6                                   AR01.1  AR137
Summary Batch Number The last system-assigned batch number       AR82.1
                     used when creating chargeback records.

ACO-LAST-RTM-NBR     Numeric 7                                   AR01.1  AR82.1
Last RTM Number      Return-to-maker debit memo number. This     DT92.1
                     is the numeric portion of the last RTM
                     document to be generated by the system.
                     RTM debit memos are identified by a
                     preceding "RM-" followed by this
                     ascending seven digit number.

ACO-LAST-CONV-BTCH   Numeric 3                                   AR503
Last Converted       The last payment batch number the
Batch Number         system assigned to converted payments.
                     The last 999 batch numbers (999000 -
                     999999) are reserved for this purpose.
                     The system will not allow users to use
                     batch numbers greater that 999000.

ACO-RISK-CD          Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Risk Code            The default risk code that will be
                     assigned to all new customers being
                     added for this company.

ACO-OFFSET-FL        Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Automatic            Specifies if application will occur for
Application          cross referenced debits from a credit
                     memo. Valid values are:

                     N = No automatic memo application
                     Y = Automatic memo application allowed

ACO-AR-CODE          Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
AR Code              The default accounts receivable code
                     for the company level.

ACO-NOT-APPLD-CD     Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Received Not         The default received not applied code
Applied Code         at the company level.

ACO-PRE-PAY-CODE     Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Prepayment Code      Prepayment code. This is the default
                     code to be used for a check entered as a
                     prepayment. This will be the offset
                     instead of RNA to cash.

ACO-CUST-RETEN       Numeric 3                                   AR01.1
Last Customer        The number of months that must elapse,
Activity             after the last customer activity date,
                     before a customer can be automatically

ACO-AGE-CREDITS      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Age Credits          Specifies how credit memos should be
                     aged. Valid values are:

                     L = Aged to last debit-containing column
                     N = Not aged - aged in current column
                     R = Aged respective to credit memo date

ACO-AGE-PYMNT        Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Age Payment          Specifies how payments should be aged.
                     Valid values are:

                     L = Aged to last debit-containing column

                     N = Not aged - aged in current column
                     R = Aged respective to payment date

ACO-AGE-DISPUTES     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Age Disputes         Specifies how disputed transactions
                     will be aged. Valid values are:

                     N = Not aged - aged in current column
                     Y = Aged respective to transaction date

ACO-AGE-TYPE         Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Age Type             Default aging method respecting either
                     invoice date or due date. Valid values

                     D = Age by due date
                     T = Age by transaction date

ACO-AGE-CURRENT      Numeric 3                                   AR01.1
Age Current          This field will be used to define the
                     transactions going into the "current"
                     and "future" aging buckets. This
                     provides the ability to have two aging
                     columns (current and future) that
                     reflect transactions that are not past
                     invoice (for an invoice date based
                     aging) or not past due (for a due date
                     based aging).

ACO-AGE-PERIODS      Numeric 3 Occurs 4 Times                    AR01.1
Age Periods          Aging periods established by entering
                     the last day of each period in these
                     fields. If left blank, these periods
                     will default from this company's
                     assigned customer group. Future and
                     current aging periods will be defined
                     with a separate field.

ACO-DISPUTES-FIN     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Finance Disputes     Specifies if disputed transactions are
                     exempt from being assessed finance
                     charges. Valid values are:

                     N = No finance charges on disputed
                     Y = Yes, subject to finance charges

ACO-OI-DISP-SEQ      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Oi Disp Seq          Indicates the default display sequence
                     of the open items. Valid values are:
                     1 = Trans Type Number
                     2 = Due Date
                     3 = Open Amount
                     4 = Process Level
                     5 = Trans User 1
                     6 = Activity
                     7 = Customer PO

ACO-AUDIT-APP-FL     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Cash Application     Indicates if the operator code field is
Operator Code        required during the entry of cash and
                     during the application of cash. Valid
                     values are:

                     N = No - operator code not required
                     Y = Yes - operator code required

ACO-AUDIT-MEMO-FL    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Memo/Invoice         Indicates if operator code is required
Operator Code        during the entry of debit/credit memos
                     or the entry of invoices. Valid values

                     N = No - operator code not required
                     Y = Yes - operator code required

ACO-APP-REVIEW-FL    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Application Review   Indicates if applications are required
                     to go through an audit listing prior to
                     applications being posted to the general
                     ledger. Valid values are:

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ACO-DISC-GRACE-PD    Numeric 2                                   AR01.1
Discount Grade       Number of grace days added to discount
Period               date to allow automatic discount during
                     cash application.

ACO-LATE-PAY-FL      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Late Payment &       Indicates what type of charges will be
Finance Charges      assessed. This option can be overridden
                     at the default codes and customer
                     levels. Valid values are:

                     Blank = No charges
                     F = Finance charges assessed
                     L = Late payments charges assessed
                     B = Both finance and late payment
                     charges will be assessed

ACO-FIN-CALC-TYPE    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Finance Charge       Determines how finance charges will be
Calculation          calculated. Depending upon this
                     calculation type, finance charges will
                     either be assessed individually for each
                     overdue open item (Detail option) or one
                     summary charge for the net amount of
                     overdue open items (Net option). Valid
                     values are:

                     D = Detail calculation
                     N = Net calculation

ACO-FIN-AUTO-NBR     Numeric 7                                   AR01.1  AR137
Last Finance Charge  This field will hold the last finance
Number               charge number used by the system. It
                     will contain an ascending seven digit
                     number. The finance charge debit memo
                     number will be prefixed with "FC-".

ACO-FIN-CHRG-CD      Alpha 2                                     AR01.1
Finance Charge Code  Finance charge code. This code must be
                     predefined and will contain a monthly
                     finance charge percentage rates.

ACO-FIN-GRAC-DAYS    Numeric 2                                   AR01.1
Finance Charge       The number of grace days added to a
Grace Days           transaction's due date before finance
                     charges will be assessed.

ACO-FIN-MIN-CHRG     Signed 7.2                                  AR01.1
Minimum Finance      Override minimum finance charge amount
Charge               assessed if calculated finance charge is
                     less than this minimum amount. If a
                     minimum is zero, no override will occur.

ACO-FIN-DOC-PRNT     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Fin Doc Prnt         This option will specify whether or not
                     finance charge documents are required to
                     be printed. Valid values are:

                     N = No finance charge documents printed
                     Y = Yes, print finance charge documents

ACO-FIN-GL-CODE      Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Finance GL Code      This is the default GL code to be used
                     for finance charges at the company
                     level. It is tied to the finance charge
                     general ledger account.

ACO-CURRENCY-CD      Alpha 5                                     AR01.1
Currency Code        The base currency defined for the
                     company in the Lawson General Ledger
                     system. Used by the accounts receivable
                     company for processing and reporting.
                     Transactions entered in a non-base
                     currency retain their original,
                     transaction amounts and are converted to
                     the company base currency.

ACO-MULTI-CURR-FL    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Multi Currency Flag  Determines if transactions in
                     currencies differing from company base
                     currency will be allowed.
                     N = Not Multi Currency
                     Y = Multi Currency

ACO-RATE-OVR-FL      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Conversion Rate      Determines whether or not user will be
Override             able to override conversion rate
                     tolerances when adding non company-based
                     currency transactions. Valid values are:

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ACO-INV-CUR-OVR      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Invoice Currency     Indicates whether users will be able to
Override             override the default customer invoice
                     currency code when entering manual
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ACO-VERIFY-GLDATE    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Verify GL Date       Establishes whether the system should
                     edit transaction's GL date against the
                     GL date range set up in IF01 (System
                     Control). Valid values are:

                     N = No - do not general date editing
                     Y = Yes - edit general ledger date

ACO-DFLT-APP-DATE    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Default Application  Defines what default general ledger
Date                 date the application records should
                     have. Valid values are:

                     P = Payment general ledger date
                     S = System date

ACO-HOLD-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Hold Code            The Hold Code found on the company
                     record is the default Hold Code to be
                     used by AR70.2 (Analyst Review Detail).
                     This code is available to be used by
                     order processing systems to help make a
                     decision on whether or not to process a
                     particular customer's orders.

ACO-OVER-APP-FL      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Over Application     Determines whether users should be able
Flag                 to over apply a short payment to fully
                     exhaust an invoice and create a
                     chargeback for the remaining portion of
                     the invoice. Valid values are:

                     N = No, over-application not allowed
                     Y = Yes, over-application allowed

ACO-DISC-DSP-FL      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Discount Display     Determines if past-due discount amounts
Flag                 will display during cash application.
                     Valid values are:

                     N = No past due discount amounts
                     Y = Display past due discounts

ACO-UPD-DUE-DATE     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Update Trans Date /  Determines if transactions will be
Due Date             allowed to have their transaction or due
                     date changed. This affects AR42.6
                     (Obligations), AR45.1 (Disputes), and
                     DT42.1 (Bill of Exchange Maintenance).
                     Valid values are:

                     N = No, due date change not allowed
                     Y = Yes, due date change allowed

ACO-INCOMPLETE-FL    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Incomplete Company   Indicates that the AR company is only
                     partially set up.

ACO-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AR01.1
Base Number of       The number of decimal positions defined
Decimals             for the company base currency.

ACO-DISPLAY-DATE     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Display Date         Display date. This field will control
                     the open obligation data displayed on
                     the aging reports. It will work
                     independently from the date used for
                     aging. The transaction date will be the
                     default with an option to display the
                     due date. Payments and credits will
                     always use GL date. Valid values are:

                     T = Transaction date
                     D = Due date (obligations only)

ACO-TRANS-SEQUENCE   Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Transaction Sequence Transaction sequence. This field will
                     control the display sequence of the
                     transactions in aging reports. This is
                     within the runtime indicated report
                     sequence. The due date option will use
                     due dates from open obligation and GL
                     dates from payments and credits. Valid
                     values are:

                     T = Transaction sequence
                     D = Due date sequence

ACO-BANK-RISK-OPT    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Bank Risk Option     Bank risk option. This field will be
                     used if the company is using bill of
                     exchange processing. If so, this option
                     will indicate if bank risk processing
                     should be done. Valid values are:

                     N = No; don't check bank risk
                     Y = Yes; check bank risk

ACO-ACCEPT-ACCTING   Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Acceptance           Acceptance accounting. This option is
Accounting           only used if the company is doing bill
                     of exchange processing. If so, the
                     options are to post to bill of exchange
                     receivable upon acceptance or to level
                     the value in accounts receivable. Valid
                     values are:

                     Y = Yes; GL required at acceptance
                     N = No; GL not required at acceptance

ACO-DT-ACCPT-CODE    Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
BOE Acceptance Code  Bill of exchange acceptance code. This
                     option is only used if the company is
                     processing bills of exchange. If so,
                     this code will be required if the accept
                     accounting option is equal to yes. It
                     represents the BOE receivable account.
                     This will edit to the GL Codes file in

ACO-FIN-REV-CODE     Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Financial Revenue    Financial revenue code. This will be
Code                 used if the company is processing bills
                     of exchange. If so, this code will edit
                     to the AR Codes file and will be used to
                     post financial revenue.

ACO-FIN-EXP-CODE     Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Financial Expense    Financial expense code. This code will
Code                 be used if the company is processing
                     bills of exchange. If so, the code will
                     edit to the AR GL Code file and be used
                     to post the financial expenses to GL.

ACO-DIS-EXP-CODE     Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Dishonored Expense   Dishonored expense code. This code will
Code                 be used if the company is processing
                     bills of exchange. If so, the code will
                     be used to post to GL any dishonored
                     bill of exchange expenses.

ACO-LAST-DRAFT-NBR   Numeric 10                                  AR01.1  AR42.1
Last Bill of         Last bill of exchange number assigned.      AR42.2  AR42.6
Exchange Number      This will be used only if the company       AR42.7  AR43.1
                     will be  processing bills of exchange.      AR44.3  AR502
                     If so, it will contain the last bill of     AR560   DT150
                     exchange number assigned for this           DT40.1  DT520
                     company if bill of exchange numbers are     DT92.1
                     to be automatically assigned.

ACO-REMIT-NUMBER     Numeric 7                                   AR01.1  DT160
Remittance Number    Remittance number. This will be used if     DT161   DT165
                     the company is processing bills of          DT166   DT180
                     exchange. If so, this will contain the      DT60.1  DT60.2
                     last remittance number assigned for the     DT70.1  DT70.3
                     company.                                    DT80.1

ACO-REASSIGN-NBR     Numeric 7                                   AR01.1  AR44.3
Reassignment Number  Reassignment number. Contains the last
                     DB number used in the reassignment of
                     open obligations. It will have a prefix
                     of "GP-".

ACO-DRAFT-NBR-OPT    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Bill of Exchange     Indicates the type of bill of exchange
Numbering            numbering that will be used for the
                     company. Valid values are:

                     A = Automatic BOE numbering
                     M = Manual BOE numbering

ACO-DEP-INST-CODE    Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
Deposit Code         Default deposit bank code. Must be a
                     valid bank service transaction code in
                     the Lawson Cash Ledger system.

ACO-RTM-INST-CODE    Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
RTM Payment Code     Default return-to-maker payment code.
                     Must be a valid bank service transaction
                     code in the Lawson Cash Ledger system.

ACO-ADJ-INST-CODE    Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
Additional Bank      Default additional bank charges code.
Charges              Must be a valid bank service transaction
                     code in the Lawson Cash Ledger system.

ACO-EFT-INST-CODE    Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
Deposit Payment Code The EFT deposit payment code.

ACO-EFTPAY-INST-CD   Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
Credit Payment Code  The EFT credit payment code.

ACO-DSC-REMIT-INST   Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
Discounted           Default payment code when a discounted
Remittance           remittance is cashed. Must be a valid
                     bank service transaction code in the
                     Lawson Cash Ledger system.

ACO-DTL-PAYMENT      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Payment GL Interface Detail payment accrual general ledger
                     interface record option. Valid values

                     N = No; detail payment general ledger
                     interface records not created. Default.
                     Y = Yes; create detail payment general
                     ledger interface records.

ACO-DTL-APPL         Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Application GL       Detail application accrual general
Interface            ledger interface record option. Valid
                     values are:

                     N = No; detail application accrual
                     general ledger interface records not
                     created. Default.
                     Y = Yes; create detail application
                     accrual general ledger interface

ACO-DTL-FIN-CHRG     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Finance Charge GL    Detail finance charge accrual general
Interface            ledger interface record option. Valid
                     values are:

                     N = No; detail finance charge accrual
                     general ledger interface records not
                     created. Default.
                     Y = Yes; create detail finance charge
                     accrual general ledger interface

ACO-MINIMUM          Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Minimum Finance      Determines if a minimum finance charge
Charge               will be assessed. Valid values are

                     Y = Use minimum amount
                     N = Minimum amount not used

ACO-FIN-CYCLE        Alpha 2                                     AR01.1
Finance Charge       Finance charge cycle code.
Cycle Code

ACO-HIST-PER         Numeric 2                                   AR01.1
History Periods      The number of periods until the status
                     of a payment or transaction is updated.

                     This has two results:

                     1. This value is the number of periods
                     until the status of a payment or
                     transaction will be updated from Fully
                     Applied to Closed.

                     2. This value is also the number of
                     periods until the status of a payment or
                     transaction will be updated from Closed
                     to Historical.

                     Therefore, a payment or transaction
                     remains in the system for a number of
                     periods equal to two times the value of
                     this field until it becomes historical.
                     A period is closed by running AR199
                     (Period Closing).

ACO-CASH-CODE        Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Cash Code            A cash code represents a bank account.
                     More than one company can use the same
                     cash code.  The cash code must be linked
                     to a bank in the Lawson Cash Ledger

ACO-CR-CASH-CODE     Alpha 4                                     AR01.1
Credit Cash Code     The credit cash code. Must be a valid
                     cash code in the Lawson Cash Ledger

ACO-ACH-COMP-ID      Alpha 10                                    AR01.1
EFT Company ID       EFT company ID number. Used for ACH
                     processing to identify the entity that
                     is sending or receiving funds.

ACO-LAST-EFT-NBR     Numeric 7                                   AR01.1  AR115
Last EFT Debit Memo  Last EFT debit memo number. Used for
Number               cash application purposes for credit
                     balance processing. As funds are
                     withdrawn or sent to a customer for a
                     credit balance, a zero check is created
                     with a corresponding debit memo for the
                     funds amount. This is used for
                     accounting purposes, and as a balancing
                     record to complete the cash
                     application/removal process of a credit

ACO-CURR-DISPLAY     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1  AR700
Currency Display     You can choose to display transaction
                     amounts throughout the system in base
                     currency or transaction currency.

                     Valid values are:

                     B = Base currency
                     T = Transaction currency

ACO-EDIT-REMIT       Alpha 1                                     AR01.1  AR700
Edit Remittance      Determines the remittance editing logic.

                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ACO-SUM-LINE         Alpha 1                                     AR01.1  AR700
Summary Line         Determines whether to display open items
                     in detail or summary.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ACO-THIRD-PARTY      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Third Party          N = No third party payment
                     Y = Third party payment allowed

ACO-INT-BY-DATE-FL   Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Int By Date Fl       Interest Charges By Date Flag.  If
                     interest finance rates change several
                     times between the due date and the late
                     paid date, use each rate in effect
                     between the due date and the late paid
                     date, instead of using just the current

ACO-VAT-RPTG-RQD     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Vat Rptg Rqd         Interest Charges By Date Flag.  If
                     interest finance rates change several
                     times between the due date and the late
                     paid date, use each rate in effect
                     between the due date and the late paid
                     date, as defined in AR07.2 (Finance
                     Charge Rates).

ACO-DUN-CYCLE-ID     Numeric 6                                   AR01.1  AR140
Dun Cycle Id         Last Dunning Letter Cycle ID.  Gets
                     incremented by 1 when you run AR140
                     (Dunning Letter Selection).  You can
                     view the last dunning cycle ID on AR01.1

ACO-DUN-CYCLE-STAT   Alpha 1                                     AR140   AR141
Dun Cycle Stat       The dunning cycle status.  Values are:      AR145
                     1 = Selected (after running AR140)
                     2 = Printed (after running AR141)
                     3 = Dunning History Produced
                     4 = Cycle complete (after running AR145)

ACO-OB-DRF-FL        Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Ob Drf Fl            This field specifies whether to include
                     or exclude BOE item balances.  "Y" means
                     to include BOE items in balances.  "N"
                     means to exclude BOE items from

                     Y = Include BOE items
                     N = Do not include BOE items

ACO-REMIT-CNTL       Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Remit Cntl           Y = Process Draft on Remittance
                     N = Do Not process Draft on remitt

ACO-DISC-TAX-RCV     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Tax Recovery on

ACO-COUNTRY-CODE     Alpha 2                                     AR01.1
Country Code         Indicate whether the amount of discount
                     attributable to tax can be subtracted
                     from the amount of tax that is due the

                     Y = Yes recover tax on discount
                     N = Do not recover tax on discount

ACO-REGION           Alpha 2                                     AR01.1
Region Code          The region code, if applicable for the
                     country. Used by Intrastat. Must be
                     defined in IN02.1 (Region Maintenance)

ACO-LATE-CH-RND-FL   Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Late Ch Rnd Fl       Interest by date charges rounding
                     preference.  If set to "Y", any
                     resulting interest charge invoices will
                     be rounded to the nearest currency unit.

ACO-VEN-CLASS        Alpha 3                                     AR01.1
Vendor Class         A user-defined code representing a
                     subset of vendors within a vendor group.

ACO-VEND-AR-TO-AP    Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Vend Ar To Ap        Controls if the interface between AR
                     and AP is allowed, as well as the
                     automatic vendor creation aspect of this

                     Y = Allow Vendor creation AR to AP
                     N = No Vendor creation AR to AP

ACO-EFT-PROCESS      Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Eft Process          Indicates whether this company will
                     process EFt tranascations.  Valid values

                     N = No EFT processing
                     Y = EFT processing

ACO-CALENDAR         Alpha 15                                    AR01.1
Calendar             The calendar used for EFT processing.
                     The calendar must be defined in the
                     Universe calendar definition program.

ACO-DUE-DAYS         Numeric 3                                   AR01.1
Vendor Due Days      The number of days used to calculate the
                     ending due date range in EFT processing.

ACO-DUE-TYPE         Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Due Type             The type of days used to calulate the
                     ending due date range. Valid values are.

                     A= Actual Days
                     M= Marked Days
                     A = Actual Days
                     M = Marked Days

ACO-GL-DAYS          Numeric 3                                   AR01.1
General Ledger Days  The number of days used to calculate the
                     ending GL date range.

ACO-GL-TYPE          Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Gl Type              The type of days used to calculate the
                     ending GL date range.  Valid values are:

                     A = Actual Days
                     M = Marked Days

ACO-DEPOSIT-DAYS     Numeric 3                                   AR01.1
Deposit Days         The number of days used to calculate the
                     end deposit days date range.

ACO-DEPOSIT-TYPE     Alpha 1                                     AR01.1
Deposit Type         The type of days used to calculate the
                     ending deposit days date reange.  Valid
                     values are:

                     A = Actual Days
                     M = Marked Days

                         ARCOMP FILE INDEX


ACOSET1   COMPANY       This is the primary path used to access  AC551   AR01.1
                        company records.                         AR02.1  AR03.1
                                                                 AR03.2  AR04.1
                                                                 AR06.1  AR06.2
                                                                 AR06.3  AR06.4
                                                                 AR08.1  AR08.2
                                                                 AR100   AR105
                                                                 AR11.1  AR110
                                                                 AR115   AR124
                                                                 AR129   AR13.1
                                                                 AR13.2  AR130
                                                                 AR131   AR132
                                                                 AR135   AR136
                                                                 AR137   AR14.1
                                                                 AR140   AR141

ACOSET2   CUST-GROUP    This path is used to access company      AR00.1  AR01.1
          COMPANY       records by customer group.               AR100   AR105
                                                                 AR110   AR115
                                                                 AR130   AR200
                                                                 AR232   AR235
                                                                 AR25.1  AR250
                                                                 AR260   AR261
                                                                 AR292   AR30.1
                                                                 AR30.2  AR30.3
                                                                 AR30.4  AR30.6
                                                                 AR50.1  AR505
                                                                 DT170   DT270

                         ARCOMP FILE RELATIONS



Arcustgrp      ARCUSTGRP    Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP    -> ACG-CUST-GROUP

                         ARCOMP FILE RELATIONS



Agingcode      AGINGCODE

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> AGE-COMPANY

Arcategory     ARCATEGORY

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ACA-COMPANY

Archgbaktx     ARCHGBAKTX   Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> AKT-COMPANY

Arcode         ARCODE       Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> RCD-COMPANY

Arcustomers    ARCUSTOMER   Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ACM-COMPANY

Aroitems       AROITEMS     Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ARO-COMPANY

Arpaynottx     ARPAYNOTTX   Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ANT-COMPANY

Arproclevels   ARPROCLEVL   Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> APV-COMPANY

Arpymntheaders ARPYMNTHDR   Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> APH-COMPANY

Arreasons      ARREASON     Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ARR-COMPANY

Arrtmtx        ARRTMTX      Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> RTX-COMPANY

Arstmprttx     ARSTMPRTTX   Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ASX-COMPANY

Arsummary      ARSUMMARY    Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> ARS-COMPANY

Cranalyst      CRANALYST    Delete Restricted

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> CAN-COMPANY

Cust Defaults  CUSTDEFLTS   Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> CDF-COMPANY

Reverse        REVERSE      Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> RVH-COMPANY

Salesrep       SALESREP     Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> SAW-COMPANY

Staticcust     STATICCUST

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> STA-COMPANY

Territory      TERITORY     Delete Cascades

                            ACO-COMPANY       -> TRY-COMPANY