MM280 DistributionReport

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Nicole M
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    Hi I'm looking to recreate the MM280 Mateerials Report using a query, not necessarily with Crystal Reports. Probably with SQL or another tool I have. Has anyone already recreated this? If so, can you provide the tables and fields I would need.
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      We go about reproducing the MM280 in somewhat of a backward ass way, but it works for us (becuase the MM280 won't burst and this method does). The basic methodology is that we ran the MM280 report, then using the Lawson Query Builder we were able to tap into the data in the MM280 with the LQB query. Next step is to use Crystal in conjunction with the query built in the Lawson Query Builder for the final output of the report and that gets pulished to LBI. Each month we re-run the same MM280 job, and then just refresh the Crystal report and you have current month's report.

      Make sense?
      Greg Moeller
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        See some of (esp Ruma's) responses here:
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          I've been experimenting with this and still a work in progress. I have SQL that retrieves an 'MM280' wantabe. I'm very new to Lawson (10.1) and just picking my way around. The End Crystal Report is actually an Accounting Unit Detail report when drilled down on , let's say Variable Expenses, and then into a line item runs a sub-report that breaks out the Expenses into AP,GL/PO and IC transatcions. The Item Transations show item, cost,avg,min,max and cost range for the item. This is still at a 1 to 1 level. In other words the AP transactions show the Invoice total, not the individual line items. Not yet, anyway!
          Gary Gasta
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            We run the MM-280 then have a Crystal Report Scheduled in LBI to run based on the Lawson report. Output is a Crystal report so we can use the Company Dept structure to burst.
            The user ID that runs the MM280 when initially setting up the scheduled Crystal Report must be the User ID that runs the mm280 monthy. PDF attached.