Process Flow Scheduling

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Chad Dirst
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Posts: 42
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    How can I setup five seperate process flows to run consecutivley?  I prefer to use existing functionality and not build anything that would call each of these flows individually.  Please advise.
    Thank you,
    David Williams
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      Using a Service, you can define the Service Process Definition screen and reference 5 distinct flows to trigger all at the same time.
      David Williams
      Chad Dirst
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 42
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        Alright.... I have setup the service and tied the flows to it.  However, I can't see this service in the Process Flow Scheduler / Process dropdown?  Any ideas on what I am missing?
        Veteran Member
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          Just to check a couple of things: 1. Is the service active? 2. Was the service set up as an administrative service? If so, then you must make sure that you (or the user who is signing into the PF Scheduler) is assigned an administrative task through PF Admininstrator. This way you can see the service that you set up. Another way that you could have the flows run consecutively would be to put a WorkObject node at the end of each flow calling the next one. Unfortunately with that approach, if one of the flows hangs or fails, it will not "trigger" the other flows down the line. Depending on what you are doing (for example working with files on the server) this might be desirable as you would not want the other flows to run if one of the previous ones failed.
          Chad Dirst
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          Posts: 42
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            The Service Definition is set to "1 - Enabled".  Also, my user id is set as a Process Flow Administrator.  I am not sure what you mean when you say "Was the service setup as an administrative Service?".
            Veteran Member
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              If you are in the ProcessFlow Scheduler, you won't see Process Flow SERVICES in the drop down, only FLOWS. Flows are scheduled, Services are triggered (either manually through the PF Admin Tool or from a flow node).
              Veteran Member
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                BTW, it's my understanding that you wanted the five flows to run consecutively, not concurrently. If true, you do not want to tie all of the flows to a single service.
                I would define flow #1, and schedule it to run at, say 5:00am.
                At the end of that flow, if all went well, I would use the WorkObject node to trigger the service for flow #2. At the end of flow 2, if all went well, I would use the WorkObject node to trigger the service for flow #3, and so on.
                So you have five process flows, and four services tied to flows #2 through #5.
                Veteran Member
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                  Sorry about the confusion; I meant the task associated with the user signing in was assigned an administrative task.
                  Chad Dirst
                  Advanced Member
                  Posts: 42
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                    Thank you to all.
                    Chad Dirst
                    Advanced Member
                    Posts: 42
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                      I have defined my one flow which calls fives seperate work objects in which each one is executing a service.  The problem is when the flow runs all five services are kicked off at the same time.  Does anyone know how I can make each service dependent on the previous?  Thanks.
                      Veteran Member
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                        Please see my 4/18 post - solution is there
                        Chad Dirst
                        Advanced Member
                        Posts: 42
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                          I did create one overall flow which calls the five (5) services via a work object. 

                          I need to determine if there are multiple ways to determine "if all went well" in the first service before executing the second service and so on.  I have just put in a loop that will query the WFWORKUNIT table to determine if the first service is still running or completed successfully before executing the next service. 

                          Is this the only way to consecutively run multiple services in one flow?