Punchout XML error

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Nathan Smith
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Posts: 3
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    We are having trouble getting Punch out set up. We are trying to use the Dell test vendor. I can see the PunchOutSetupResponse in my rqc_user_23.log file in the RQC_work\logs directory on the RQC server. It contains the correct URL for Dell.

    After the response comes back, I get an exception that looks like this:

    RSS Runtime Exception



    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.

    Lawson support tells us that this is caused by a firewall blocking access to the dtds at xml.cxml.org or ariba.com. Our network administrator has tested punchout with the firewall wide open and we still get the error. Even with the firewall under normal rules, we can still get to the cxml and ariba sites in Internet Explorer.

    I feel like we are so close to having Punchout working, but we can't seem to get over this last hump. Has anyone else run into a similar issue?
    Chris Gawarecki
    Advanced Member
    Posts: 21
    Advanced Member
      You could be running into problem if the SSL certificates are not installed. Check and if not load them. Most Web Application Servers have a prescribed way to loaded them.
      Basic Member
      Posts: 12
      Basic Member
        Please attach the RQC logfile you mention and I'll confirm this, but I a 99% certain that it is a firewall issue.  

        Specifically, the RQC application cannot access the DTD at : "http://xml.cxml.org/schemas/cXML/1.1.010/cXML.dtd".  

        Focus on either providing the RQC application access to that website -or- you can try implementing what some customers have had success doing, and that is obtaining the DTD (s) they need, storing them locally, and redirecting requests to the external DTD to the locally stored one(s).  The downside to this approach is you become responsible for the administration of the DTDs as you add vendors, or vendor's change DTD versions, etc.

        There is a Knowledge Base article describing how one customer did this, but I do not recall what number that would be.  

        Hope this helps you.