edit initial portal login screen

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    Where would I edit the initial lawson portal login screen, so I could add a shortcut to a link for password resets.

    We have a number of people who foregt passwords, and we want to try and add a link to that login screen - so it redirects them to either our help desk software to create a ticket or e-mail.

    Chad Dirst
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      Check out Knowledge Base article: 555666
      Dave Loud
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        Good information .... has anyone does this in version 10? And in a Windows environment? Not sure if the environment realy matters. I just thought I should mention that for what env I am in.
        Dave Loud
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          FYI, previously, and how KB article 555666 reads, we updated the lawsec.ear file's login.html file. I try and change this in version 10, and it doesn't change anything. Screen reads the same. At the bottom of the portal login window, just below the version and copyright message, I need to add a message to users to not include a list characters in their password.
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            If you are still looking for an answer to this, I believe you'll find you can update the screen on a different login.html screen in one of the the sso.war directories. Ours was here for Lawson 10.0.9:




            Cheers! -Tyler

            Leonard Courchaine
            Veteran Member
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              Hi, More specifically, check out the login.html file in the ...\sso.war\v4 directory. That's what we update for custom login screen messages. Have a good one! lc@choa.org  P.S. Email me and I'll send you ours to see what we do.