Going to https from http

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Vijay S
Veteran Member
Posts: 174
Veteran Member

    Dear All,

    We are on Lawson 9.x .  currently, our portal is pointing to http  (http:/Server-Name/:81/lawson/portal/index.htm)

    We want to move to https (https:/Server-Name/:81/lawson/portal/index.htm) from http.

    Any idea how this can be achieved.



    Veteran Member
    Posts: 510
    Veteran Member
      It's been awhile since I have done this, but I think you change PROTOASSERT in the SSOP service to "Use HTTPS always". You should be able to use ssoconfig to dump the service as an xml file and change it then reload it. Make sure you change the override to true to allow an update. If you your URL's for https are not set then you will need to specify those also.