Customize List with QPS115 and Related option 11 - link with OIS101

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    I’ve declared into CMM310 a new Customize List named QPS115_CDEVTE based on QPS115.
    I’ve declared a “Related option = 11” – into this Customize List which simulated QPS115 / option11.

    When I simulated this list with “Simulate List” option into CMM310.
    I obtained an error message and CMM310 program is closed.

    I've already created of customized list with CRS610 and Related Option 11 (Adresses) and 13 (Customer/Item Link) and never had this problem.

    Is a bookmark problem ?
    Is a particularity of OIS101 program witch is a "customize view program" ?
    Is a delcaration problem about my Customize List ?

    Is that somebody has already had this problem?

    Please, see attached file for details...

    Thanks, Jordane

    Basic Member
    Posts: 16
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      I developping another solution : i added a button into ths QPS115's Mashup to open the OIS101.
      I developpe it with bookmark :

      I precise that i want the view ECRANC panel but when the OIS101 opens, it does not have any View... and it have any values sended by parameters (041002 for WBDWDZ parameter for example).
      I thinking that my problem is a bookmark problem.

      Basic Member
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      Basic Member
        Just to complete my problem :
        The same example with OIS300's Mashup and a Related Option that open the OIS101... works find.
        So, maybe the problem provides from the QPS115's bookmark... (and not from the the OIS101's bookmark as i thought it).
        Basic Member
        Posts: 16
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          There is a problem with QPS115's bookmark. An incident is transfered to Developpment team.
          So, i received a work around from Infor's Support :
          Instead of declared the Related Option 11 from QPS115 - OOQUOH into CMM313 - related option 11, you have to declare another Realted Option (51 in example) from OIS100 - OOHEAD - related option 15.
          You can do this because of OIS100 is well bookmarked and the option 15 into OIS100 is equal to option 11 into QPS115...
          Thanks to Christina from Infor's Support for her help and her work.