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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PR05.1 - Deduction

Use PR05.1 (Deduction) to define deductions, and how the system calculates
the deduction amount. You can define deductions for items subtracted from an
employee's pay such as federal tax, state or province taxes, insurance,
pension plans, and so on.

You can also define deductions for company-paid items and the company's
portion of insurance.

Deductions that affect an employee's gross pay and, optionally, company-paid
deductions appear on payments and direct deposit receipts created by PR160
(Payment Print). All deductions, employee and company-paid, print on PR140
(Earnings and Deductions Calculation).

Updated Files

    DEDCODE    - The primary file maintained by the program. If you change a
                 deduction, a flag is set so that the Employee Deduction file is
                 updated the next time you run PR140 (Earnings and Deductions
                 Calculation). You cannot delete a deduction that is attached to
                 a tax authority, benefit plan, employee, or one-time deduction.

    TAXIDEXMP  - When you delete a deduction with a tax status of Exempt, the
                 corresponding Pay or Deduction Exemption Code file records are

Referenced Files



    APCPYVND   -

    APHLDINV   -





    DCCLASS    - Used to retrieve the payment description if a description is
                 not entered on the screen. Also used to verify the deduction
                 class entered.

    EMDEDMASTR - Used to verify a tie to employees. You cannot delete a
                 deduction if a tie to an employee exists.


    GLCHART    - Used to validate the general ledger chart name.

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the general ledger company.


    ONETMDED   - Used to validate a tie to a one-time deduction. You cannot
                 delete a deduction if a tie exists to a one-time deduction.

    PAYCLASS   - Used to validate the existence of a pay class.

    PREMDEDHST - Used to edit for employee deduction history.




    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

    PRTAXAUTH  - Used to validate the tax authority.

    PRTAXCAT   - Used to validate tax categories.

    PRTIME     - Used to validate that employee pay or hours history does not
                 exist for the tax category or tax authority.

    REQCODE    - Used to determine required deduction criteria.

    TIMERECORD - Used to validate the existence of time records.

PR05.2 - Taxable Wages Table

Use PR05.2 (Taxable Wages Table) to reduce taxable wages by the amount of a
specified deduction. The deduction must have a tax status of X (Exempt) in
PR05.1 (Deduction).

The system determines taxable wages for deductions with the calculation type

Updated Files

    TAXIDEXMP  - The detail file maintained by this program

Referenced Files

    DEDCODE    - Used to validate the deduction.

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company and process level.

PR05.3 - Additional Vendors

Use PR05.3 (Additional Vendors) to select vendors by process level for this

Updated Files

    PRVENDOR   -

Referenced Files


    APCPYVND   -

    APHLDINV   -





    DEDCODE    - Used to validate the deduction.


    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   - The GLSYSTEM file is used to validate general ledger company
                 if distribution  summary types are used.

    PRSYSTEM   -

PR05.4 - Ontario EHT Wages

** Form purpose
Use Ontario EHT Wages to view or enter the wages used to calculate the
Ontario Employment Health Tax deduction. You can enter historical information
by hand, if needed; however, when you run Ontario EHT Wages (PR125), the
Payroll application updates this form.

** Prerequisites
You must have a deduction set up for Ontario EHT to use this form.

** Process at a glance
1. Define Ontario EHT deduction on Deduction (PR05.1)
2. Enter historical wages for Ontario EHT on this form or run PR125 to update
Ontario EHT wages.
3. Process Payroll
5. View wages updated by PR125 on this form.

** Decision/Impact
The Payroll application uses the wages on this form to calculate the Ontario
EHT deduction.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    DEDCODE    - Used to validate the deduction.

    PRBUSGRP   -

    PRSYSTEM   -


INVOKED Programs
