Process Automation and SysCommand node

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Joe Haveman
Advanced Member
Posts: 31
Advanced Member

    Our 9x flows worked fine.  All of our syscommand nodes used the "su" syntax on a windows server:

    su -p password username -c "my command here" 

    for example

    su -p ABCD1234 lawsonuser -c "\\\\server\\sharename\\" (all backslashes are doubled because they need to be "escaped" first)


    Problem 1:  IPA no longer allows the "su" as part of syscommand
    -the documentation says it's no longer supported
    -I have tried running my syscommands with "su" and it says "cannot run program "su""

    Problem 2:  When I choose "run program directly", it errors with "cannot find the file specified"
    -have tried the default configuration
    -have tried my own configuration specifying my own username and password
    -I have confirmed the runnability of the command from the desktop of the lawson server

    Problem 3:  When I choose "run cmd.exe (windows only)", it errors with bad username/password
    -I have tried everything above with different users and configurations

    Also:  I have tried shell, kornshell...all errors


    Veteran Member
    Posts: 709
    Veteran Member
      Hi Joe - This is a little clunky, but how about calling a wrapper script on the server that will then just pass the parameters and do a "su {params}"?

      It's a bit odd the IPA doesn't allow su anymore. Why would it care what command you're calling, since "su" has to be granted to the user anyway, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe just a security issue to keep sneaky IPA developers from getting back-door root access via the lawson user?
      Kelly Meade
      J. R. Simplot Company
      Boise, ID
      Joe Haveman
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 31
      Advanced Member

        That's about as clunky as what I'm considering:  xp_cmdshell.  That's right, I said "xp_cmdshell".  Getting my sql dba's to give my lawson user access so that I can run my command scripts through the SQL server node.  

        I'm still looking for an actual solution or for someone who is actually able to utilize the syscommand node in IPA.  I would like to know their settings and configurations.

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