Hide Inbasket Menu Links

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Kyle Jorgensen
Veteran Member
Posts: 122
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    How do I hide links on the horizontal menu in the inbasket of IPA?  See below screenshots and text for details.

    Landing page links to “My Proxies” and “Options” are visible.


    I created a new Landing page and hid those two links.


    Menu links:
    However, the horizontal menu that is persistent throughout the inbasket still shows links to these pages.  How are those hidden?

    Veteran Member
    Posts: 43
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      Fortunately, our Inbasket community is small and we simply instructed them not to use anything but MyWork. However, it would be good to restrict the screen more. When you have a full solution, would you please share how you restricted the page ( flores@cshl.edu )?
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 709
      Veteran Member
        Hi Kyle - you have to do this via Landmark ConfigurationConsole by modifying the related menu. For EmployeeSpace this is the LRCEmployeeMenu, but I'm not sure what it is for the Space you are using for the IPA Space. You can probably find it by doing this: In your browser, right-click on the menu and select "Inspect Element" (IE) or "Inspect" (Chrome). When the debugger pops up, look at the node ID and try to find the related menu. On my EmployeeSpace the ID shows as "LRCEmployeeMenuMenuBar" which translates to "LRCEmployeeMenu".

        Note that hiding these items will impact the menu in RichClient as well as the Spaces page because the menus are shared.

        If you don't have ConfigurationConsole then you are out-of-luck, unless you want to muck around with jQuery to hide those elements.

        Good Luck! Kelly
        Kelly Meade
        J. R. Simplot Company
        Boise, ID
        Kyle Jorgensen
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 122
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          I don't know anything about ConfigurationConsole. IPA is our only Landmark application. I don't see anything in RichClient with regards to ConfigurationConsole.

          Does ConfigurationConsole come with IPA? Is it just a matter of something we didn't install?
          John Henley
          Posts: 3353
            You have to have specific security access in Landmark to get to the Configuration Console, and that is the technique that is used to hide those options.
            Open a support case with Infor, and they can provide you the steps (they have even done it via webex with some of my clients).
            Thanks for using the LawsonGuru.com forums!
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 709
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              Sorry I didn't think about that Kyle. I forgot you were IPA-only on Landmark. John is correct that this requires special security access, and ConfigConsole isn't particularly intuitive or user-friendly. However, menus are pretty straightforward to modify - particularly if you are just removing items.

              Good Luck!
              Kelly Meade
              J. R. Simplot Company
              Boise, ID
              Kyle Jorgensen
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 122
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                Got it. I'll schedule time with our security person to get me access to the ConfigurationConsole. Thanks everybody!!
                Kyle Jorgensen
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 122
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                  Woozy, you were spot-on!
                  Once I was granted access to the Configuration Console within RichClient removing these two menu items was a breeze.
                  Veteran Member
                  Posts: 52
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                    We are currently in the process of migrating to Landmark's new Inbasket as well and am looking to do the exact thing you set out to do. We now have Configuration Console up and running, but I'm having difficulty locating the two menu options to "hide" or "inactivate" them. Can you please let me know where in the Configuration Console you were able to remove these items from the Inbasket?
                    Kyle Jorgensen
                    Veteran Member
                    Posts: 122
                    Veteran Member
                      In configuration console, we're going to configure the 'application'.
                      Then highlight 'Menus' and click the 'New' icon.
                      Then scroll or search for 'ProcessFlowMenu'.
                      Right-click on "My Proxies" icon and then select "Delete Menu Item". Do the same for the "Options" icon.
                      Just remember that this removes those menu options globally. Even admins will have them disappear.

                      If you ever want the menu item back (factory delivered default), simply highlight "ProcessFlowMenu" in the left portion of the screen and then click the "trash" icon. This will delete the modified version and restore the system default menu.
                      Veteran Member
                      Posts: 52
                      Veteran Member
                        Outstanding! Thank you sir. I was looking in the wrong area (PfiQueueTask, under Lists). I understand about the global changes and how to bring them back. Thank you again for the quick response; appreciated.
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