Workflow User Attribute for ProcessFlow

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Ellen Melton
Advanced Member
Posts: 28
Advanced Member

    We are now LSF9 using only LAUA.  We have ProcessFlow Standard and are using RSS.  I'm trying to determine when the Workflow User Attribute on the RMID must be set to 1.  The ProcessFlow  documentation indicates 1 for ALL ProcessFlow users.

    At this point, we have no approval process flows setup - only email notifications.  Even in RSS, we only use the Shopping Cart, we haven't rolled out approval routing.

    So for email notification process flows, do I have to have the 1 set in the Workflow User attribute?

    John Henley
    Posts: 3352

      For email notifications, I haven't seen that flag required (it's more for if you're using inbasket); in fact, I've developed flows which are sent to email recipients who aren't Lawson users at I guess the first question would be: "how are you figuring out which email address to send to?"

      Thanks for using the forums!
      Ellen Melton
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 28
      Advanced Member
        We setup user profiles in PF that are based on the LDAP RMID. Then assign the users to tasks that read the LDAP and pull the corresponding email address attribute.

        So what I'm hearing from you is that if the task is EMail only, then Workflow Attribute can be = 0. But if we develop a task that triggers a work unit that needs to be sent to a user to "do something", then an inbasket is required and that is when Workflow Attribute must be = 1??

        I wish the PF and Security documentation was more clear on that instead of saying that ALL process flow users must have the flag = 0 (which I consider email receipients to be a PF user because I have to set them up with a PF user profile).
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