Default Canvas Problem

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    I've been trying to change default canvas as it says in Admin Guides.
    But no success. Every time i log in with user default canvas applied.
    Log file throw GetFileFromRoot exception:

    WS-CXF: [ws-request-13] Application {}ISettingsServiceService#{}GetFileFromRoot has thrown exception, unwinding now: com.lawson.lso.server.SmartOfficeException: File not found CanvasFiles/test.jade (INFO : org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain)

    Why it looking in CanvasFiles directory and not in  //grid//applications/MangoServer/MangoFiles  as the guides says?
    I tried to create CanvasFiles folder with test.jade file in, but it changes nothing.

    Please need help!

    SO version 
    Veteran Member
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      This should be described in the Smart Office Admin guide. The reason you are having issues is that your version does not use the file area anymore.
      Instead you need to upload the test.jade file in the Category File Administration tool found in the Navigator Widget (in Smart Office) under Administration. Select the Category "Default Canvas Files" or Canvas Files and then press upload (or update to update a selected file from the list).

      You need to do this file upload. I assume you have changed the setting already to point to test.jade or you would not see the error in the log. The file you want to download is missing from the database.

      Let me know if you have more questions.

      Regards Karin
      Basic Member
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      Basic Member
        Thanks a lot for your help. Error has gone.
        I have a question about Category File Administration:
        How i can assign canvas to specific user, group of users?

        I can't edit any options(Access, Connect Roles and Users...) in Category File Administration.
        How can i enable these options?

        Thanks in advance.
        Veteran Member
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          Depending on the type of file the option to connect to roles are disabled. For canvas files it is not possible to connect different files to different roles/users in this tool but it is possible to add rules to the settings that contains the file name of the Default canvas. I think this is in the Mango.UI settings file. By adding a rule and connect users (and groups - if your session provider supports it) so that you have a different file name for different users, different templates will be used.

          But this is only relevant for the first time the user logs on, the first canvas. If you are on version 10.1 there is an option to restore the canvas as well, which would revert the current canvas back to the default.

          So I would recommend you adding rules for the Default Canvas settings in the Settings Editor (found under Administration in the Navigator Widget).
          In general the DSSO provider does not support providing roles. But as of DSSO session provider 1.3.17 and 2.0 it is supported if you use LSF as the identity provider ( will not work with Landmark).

          But I don't have more details and it seems to require a bit of configuration.

          Another option to provide different canvases to different roles would be to add a "installation page" where you can add a task to the installation link. See section "Adding a start-up task to the installation link" in my post here:
          Regards Karin
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          Basic Member
            Thanks for quick response.
            For now Mango.UI settings will do the trick.

            Thanks a lot!!!
            Basic Member
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              Hi. I have the same problem. We are running version at Smart Office.
              I have upload the canvas with the Category File Administration that Karin suggest. And in Mango IU i have at a test person under Canvas . But tyhe canvas dosent change when i login with the ID. Sergio001 ( or anyone else ) how does you solved this in Mango UI settings?
              Basic Member
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                Hi again. I Have solved the case with connection canvas to user in Mango IU but not to roles. When i switch the user id and write in the Role the user has in MNS150. the canvas goes back to the default Canvas. So mye question is. How do i connect roles/ groups to canvas?
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                  The role name that you need to enter comes from the Session Provider that is configured in the grid (the server application that Smart Office is running on). If the session provider supports roles there should be a list of rolenames to choose when configuring a rule for the Setting. Only userids can be manually entered.

                  Any role or configuration in M3 does not apply for the Settings rules. Smart Office is used for both M3 and Lawson so the roles used for settings are the roles the application server (grid) uses. Usually LDAP roles (as DSSO/ Lawson security has not implemented the list - roles support that Smart Office uses)


                  Also note that there is one setting for the "first time" default Canvas. It will only get applied the first time the user starts Smart Office. You can force the same canvas over and over again but then you need to set "Disable change to User Canvas" in Mango.UI (as well as Canvas - file name) and upload the file in Category Files Administration in the Canvas category.

                  Regards Karin
                  Basic Member
                  Posts: 6
                  Basic Member
                    Thanks Karin.
                    Do you know if it any manual how to set it up? I have look in my grid and the DSSO is not installed.

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