HR web pages / Lawson data

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Mary Porter
Veteran Member
Posts: 337
Veteran Member

    Our company is trying to re-design the HR web pages and is considering one that will require us to interface way too much data

    from Lawson to an external site. The VP asked if I could ask in this forum if anyone has had an outside company design web pages for them to be used in-house so

    that we can keep the Lawson ESS functionality and utilize process flows. If you have any recommendations for website design I would appreciate it if you would

    please email me

    Tim Cochrane
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 154
    Veteran Member
      When you say the "HR web pages", are you referring to the Portal views of PA52, HR11, etc or to ESS/MSS??
      If it's PA52, HR11, etc...those aren't really web pages, and they can't be modified in the way you're thinking. If you're talking about ESS/MSS...that's a different story...and animal, since those ARE web pages.
      Tim Cochrane - Principal LM/IPA Consultant
      Mary Porter
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 337
      Veteran Member
        To clarify - I am talking about the company intranet pages, specifically the pages that are Human Resources content. So we are looking for web page designers for the intranet. From the intranet web pages we will link to ESS/MSS and develop process flows using ESS/MSS. We want to provide a better alternative than building HR content on an external portal which we would have to feed Lawson data to unnecessarily instead of using ESS/MSS.
        John Henley
        Posts: 3352
          What are you using for your intranet web site (e.g. home-grown, SharePoint, etc.)?
          I have worked with clients who have taken a wide range of approaches, including custom Design Studio pages that make ESS/MSS look nothing like out of the box but provide same functionality, SharePoint sites with custom (SharePoint) workflows that hook into HR/ESS/MSS, totally custom sites, etc. ... etc.
          Thanks for using the forums!
          Mary Porter
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 337
          Veteran Member
            Drupal - Have you heard of anyone using that to hook into HR/ESS/MSS?
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