SmartNotes and Active Directory

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Jon Lunn
Basic Member
Posts: 5
Basic Member


    Hope you can help. I'm looking ot build a bursting notifcation that bursts to the user who rasied a zero value purchase order in M3. As our M3 username matches the windows log-on name in active directory, is there a way i can link smartnotes to AD to read the username in the infoset, then read the user name and e-mail address in AD.

    One solution i have is to export the AD user name and e-mails into a database, and create an infoset over that one, then create the brusting notification over that. However i'll have to do this every so often to allow for users joining and leaving the company.

    any help or ideas would be appreicated



    John Henley
    Posts: 3351
      Are your M3 users also LSN users? If so, what authentication method are you using?
      Thanks for using the forums!
      Jon Lunn
      Basic Member
      Posts: 5
      Basic Member
        Hi John,

        The M3 users don't use LSN if by you mean subcribe, and use the personal settings etc. At the moment most of our smartnotes are placed on dashboards. I think the authentication for lbi is Ldap to our AD


        Matthew Nye
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 514
        Veteran Member

          I think what John is getting at is you can actually query the Framework Services database to get the username although you wont be able to get the email addresses this way.

          You can also do an LDAP query as an infoset to extract the LDAP users and email addresses.

          If any of my answers were helpful an endorsement on LinkedIn would be much appriciated!
          John Henley
          Posts: 3351
            Exactly--assuming all of the M3 users are set up in LSN then you can query their email "delivery device" which gives you their email address.
            Thanks for using the forums!
            Jon Lunn
            Basic Member
            Posts: 5
            Basic Member

              Ah, i see. all of our users aren't set up in LSN, as they only see the end reports, they don't need to access their detials/delivery devices under the personal settings option. I've not used it...i hope it works this way.... but i could import User device using the option 'Import User Devices' in the Admin tab of LSN.


              John Henley
              Posts: 3351
                Or like Matt suggests, you could do an LDAP query directly from LSN.
                Thanks for using the forums!
                Jon Lunn
                Basic Member
                Posts: 5
                Basic Member
                  Hi Matt/John

                  Ahh, sorry on the wrong track completey! I've had a look in the infoset set up, and selected the LDAP query option, but i have to admit i'm a bit lost. Has anyone got an example of the page filled in that i can reverse engineer to our system?? We can set up a user name and pasword that will not expire, it the Provider URL and context factory we don't have a clue about, oh, and the query of course!!


                  New Member
                  Posts: 2
                  New Member
                    we're using a function to get email addresses from active directory usin ldap. We're running our smart notes from views and calling the function to get the email address.

                    create or replace FUNCTION sn_get_ad_email
                    (p_userid IN varchar2)
                    return varchar2
                    ldap_host varchar2(256);
                    ldap_port varchar2(256);
                    ldap_user varchar2(256);
                    ldap_pwd varchar2(256);
                    ldap_base varchar2(256);
                    retval PLS_INTEGER;
                    my_session DBMS_LDAP.session;
                    my_message DBMS_LDAP.MESSAGE;
                    my_entry DBMS_LDAP.MESSAGE;
                    my_attrs DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION;
                    my_attr_name varchar2(256);
                    my_ber_element DBMS_LDAP.ber_element;
                    my_vals DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION;
                    entry_count PLS_INTEGER;
                    ret_string varchar2(256) := null;
                    ad_user varchar2(256);
                    in_user varchar2(256);
                    ldap_host := rep_rights.bi_credentials.ad_query_server;
                    ldap_port := rep_rights.bi_credentials.ad_query_port;
                    ldap_user := rep_rights.bi_credentials.ad_user;
                    ldap_pwd := rep_rights.bi_credentials.ad_password;
                    ldap_base := rep_rights.bi_credentials.ad_user_base;
                    retval := -1;
                    -- if p_id_type = 'AD' then
                    ad_user := p_userid;
                    -- else
                    -- in_user := trim(p_userid);
                    ---- dbms_output.put_line('in='||in_user);
                    -- select web_user
                    -- into ad_user
                    -- from
                    -- where trim(login) = trim(in_user);
                    -- dbms_output.put_line('out='||ad_user);
                    -- end if;
                    my_session := DBMS_LDAP.init(ldap_host, ldap_port);
                    retval := DBMS_LDAP.simple_bind_s(my_session, ldap_user, ldap_pwd);
                    my_attrs(1) := 'mail';
                    retval := DBMS_LDAP.search_s(my_session,
                    'sAMAccountName=' || trim(ad_user),
                    entry_count := DBMS_LDAP.count_entries(my_session, my_message);
                    if (entry_count = 1) then
                    my_entry := DBMS_LDAP.first_entry(my_session, my_message);
                    my_attr_name := DBMS_LDAP.first_attribute(my_session, my_entry, my_ber_element);
                    my_vals := DBMS_LDAP.get_values(my_session, my_entry, my_attr_name);
                    if (my_vals.FIRST is not null) then
                    ret_string := substr(my_vals(my_vals.FIRST),1,256);
                    end if;
                    end if;
                    retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(my_session);
                    return ret_string;
                    when others then
                    if my_session is not null then
                    retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(my_session);
                    end if;
                    return null;
                    end sn_get_ad_email;
                    Patrick Dowd
                    Advanced Member
                    Posts: 25
                    Advanced Member
                      Hi Jon,

                      please feel free to ping me off-line. I have an LDAP infoset example you could try.

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