Batch access to "Waiting" job queue

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    Do you know if there is any way that I can access the information in the "Waiting" job queue? I want to set up a batch program or script that can then notify individual users via e-mail that their jobs have gone into the "Waiting Recovery" status. I would appreciate any information that you have available. I have searched the Lawson Knowledge Base and spent time searching the net. Thank you.
    John Henley
    Posts: 3353

      My recommendation would be to use ProcessFlow. You can perform a DME query against the GEN/QUEUEDJOBS table to retrieve jobs in recovery, and send an email to appropriate people.  Put it in the ProcessFlow Scheduler.  Here's a screenshot:

      Thanks for using the forums!
      Greg Moeller
      Veteran Member
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        Depending of if you are Unix or Windows.. we have a Unix script developed that does just that. I'd be willing to share.
        Basic Member
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          Greg, I would very much appreciate yuour sharing of the script for reporting the jobs in recovery. It would save know... re-inventing et. Thank you very much.
          John Henley
          Posts: 3353


            Feel free to reply and attach here as a .zip file...

            Thanks for using the forums!
            Greg Moeller
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              You will have to modify the script just a little bit, as $LAWDIR isn't always used and some of your programs may be in different locations, your PL is probably different that ours, environment name is probably different, etc.  but here is the script that we have developed
              Greg Moeller
              Veteran Member
              Posts: 1498
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                You'll have to modify the script as I described above..  but here you go.



                Greg Moeller
                Veteran Member
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                  We've been using this script for a couple of years already, and it works really well. We have it scheduled from cron every 15 minutes.
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                    I appreciate all you have done to help. It appears that the script is setup Lawson 9.0 and we are still 8.1. However im looking at the script I did not the "grep" command which I had not thouught of before. No if I can figure out where to look for the jobs "Waiting Recovery" I should be able to move forward. Again, thanks for your efforts.
                    Greg Moeller
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                      I'll see if I still have the previous one that worked with our pre-LSF9 system.
                      Greg Moeller
                      Veteran Member
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                        Here is the pre-LSF9 version of the script... it pulls email addresses for recipients from their RD30 records... and if it cannot find an email address there, it simply sends it out to the admins... etc.


                        Basic Member
                        Posts: 4
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                          Can you tell me the path to find "jqstatus". From the two scripts you have sent, I now know what I need to do however I cant seem to find "jqstatus". Again,I really appreciate the help to date. Thanks.
                          Greg Moeller
                          Veteran Member
                          Posts: 1498
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                            Wendell: jqstatus should be in ${GENDIR}/bin and if you've set your Lawson environment variables at the top of the script by replacing either lawprod or lsf9prod (depending on which script you are using) with your environment name (found in /etc/lawson.env) you shouldn't have to put the path in the script as long as you include ${GENDIR}/bin in the /etc/lawson.env files PATH variable.
                            Advanced Member
                            Posts: 35
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                              I highly recommend the Lawson S3 Environment Monitor (LEM) for this purpose developed by David Schronce. I had several dozen scripts montoring every part of our environment, and LEM streamlined monitoring several enviroments and got rid of quite a few custom scripts. You can take a look at the program here:


                              Advanced Member
                              Posts: 35
                              Advanced Member

                                if you don't want to use LEM, here is a much easier script for this purpose:

                                TEMPDIR="/usr/local/bin/scripts";        export TEMPDIR
                                TEMPLOG="temp.log";                          export TEMPLOG

                                echo "***********************************************" > $TEMPDIR/$TEMPLOG

                                su - lawson -c "/lawson/gen/bin/rngdbdump -n GEN queuedjob -f jobname username -v status=34" >> $TEMPDIR/$
                                FLAG=`/usr/bin/cat $TEMPDIR/$TEMPLOG | /usr/bin/egrep -v 'YOU|uid'|wc -l`
                                if [[ ${FLAG} -gt 1 ]]
                                   mailx -s "Jobs In Recovery" < $TEMPDIR/$TEMPLOG
                                   exit 0
                                exit 0

                                Basic Member
                                Posts: 6
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                                  Hi John,


                                  I am not able to open this PDF. Can you please share it and if you have more details on it that would be great.


                                  Thank You


                                  John Henley
                                  Posts: 3353
                                    Thanks for using the forums!
                                    Basic Member
                                    Posts: 6
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                                      Thank you John


                                      Can you please let me know i can follow the same for landmark too?


                                      Thank you

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