ESS Direct Deposit - Multiple Accounts

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Jodi Kruesel
Veteran Member
Posts: 75
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    We will be rolling out ESS - Direct Deposit to our employees this fall and are considering allowing employees to deposit into multiple accounts. Has anyone encountered issues with allowing deposits into multiple accounts? If you allow multiple accounts--

    1) How many do you allow?

    2) Were you concerned with the additional cost incurred due to the increase in volume on the ACH file? Foe example, current cost is 9 cents per ACH transaction and approximately 2100 transactions per payroll. If we allow deposits into 5 accounts, there is the potential that the cost will go from $5,800 annually to $29,000 annually to have the bank process the ACH file.

    3) Did you have any problems or errors due to an employee trying to deposit money into a bank account of someone else (i.e a child or spouse). Were these transactions rejected because of the name mismatch?
    Veteran Member
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      1) We allow the employee to have 6 accounts.

      2) Accounting and HR decided on the number of accounts allowed.

      3) We don't have any issues.

      We send a pre-note file on the off payroll cycle. We also updated the xhrnet/directdeposit/jslib/directdepositlib.js file so the the employee can not manually enter a bank name or routing number ("readonly" is added to the code where thos fields are written), they have to select from the search function. If they can't find their bank/routing number they email our HRIS department. Typically the bank they are looking for is under a different name, but a search by routing number almost always does the trick. If the bank doesn't exist HRIS will verify the bank and then add to the list on PR12.4
      Veteran Member
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      Veteran Member
        No issue here either. Being a small comapny (less than 3000) and not alot of direct deposit changes or employees with multiple bank accounts, we still have our payroll dept look into new accounts.
        Basic Member
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        Basic Member
          Has anyone ever run into an issue where an employee uses ESS to set up a 50/50 split for DD's where if there is not an even amount being paid that the system generates a check for the remainder non divisible by two amount? Here is an example: an employee makes $300.01, so 150.00 goes to one account and 150.00 goes to other and the system generates a check for the remaining penny. This would not happen if the person made $300.02, $300.04, $300.06, etc. .
          Anyone have any ideas about this?
          Basic Member
          Posts: 4
          Basic Member
            We had the same issue.   The best way to handle it is to have one of the accounts be "default".  So, first account would be 50%, second account with be "default" with 100% of the balance.   We run a query each week to see if we had anyone set-up funny like this and adjusted their PR12 settings accordingly.
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