pa13 effective date / assignment date

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    I did an upload with HR511 and the pep-effect-date field did not have a description. It appears to be placed on the PA13 under 'effective date'.

    I'm ASSUMING that this is the date that the employee got into that position.

    One person thought that it was HIRE date..but that does not make sense to me if someone was hired in 1987 and has been through 5 positions, it would seem each position would show the date that they entered that position.

    The PA13 has an "Assignment date" which I did NOT upload on the HR511 and don't know where the system got this appears to be pulling in hire date?

    Any insight as always is greatly appreciated!

    Sam Simpson
    Veteran Member
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      Yes Effect-date in PAEMPPOS reflects the effective date that an employee has a change whether it is pay rate, status etc. The corresponding action/reason is in PERSACTHSTtable. Here's the path;

      Using PAEMPPOS get the act-obj-id in PRRATEHSIT where pep-employee =
      prh-employee and pep-effect-date = prh-beg-date and pep-pos-level = prh-pos-level. Then get the PERSACTHST records where prh-employee = pah-employee and prh-act-obj-id = pah-obj-id.

      PERSACTHST holds the action-code, reason1, reason 2, user-id and
      time-stamp among other things.

      I use these tables together with HRHISTORY and JOBCODE to get or print employee pay history.
      Veteran Member
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        so when adding folks using the hr511 conversion feel that I'm correct in having the pep-eff-date on the hr511 represent the date the person went into the position that I'm uploading as their current positions? One person here said I should just use the hire date..but I think that this would be incorrect.
        Sam Simpson
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          Sorry I'm not a Lawson functional person so I'm not really familiar with Lawson forms such as HR11. I'm more on the technical side and yes you are correct on your assumption about the effect-date.

          In our setup(9 hospitals), anybody can work on different job codes. The PEP-EFFECT-DATES always reflect when that employee started working on that particular job. These job codes are also unique by it's own POS-LEVEL.

          John Henley
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            I second Sam's opinion--the PEP-EFF-DATE should be the date the employee started in that position...
            Thanks for using the forums!
            Phil Simon
            Veteran Member
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              Just be careful of the following: employees whose term dates are earlier than the PEP-EFF-DATE. This is common in conversions; you don't want the dreaded 'cannot term; term date is greater than than position effective date' error.

              Phil Simon
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                Also, if your using Tax Factory the PEP-EFF-DATE shouldn't be before 1/1/1994 or the taxes don't load.
                Veteran Member
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                  I'm confused by your post. if pep-eff-date on the hr511 is supposed to be the date the person went into their position and if they went in before 1994...then that date would have to show 1994. I do not understand why that would affect the taxes.

                  So far our parrellel test has not indicated that the taxes were a problem.

                  We are on windows application 8.1

                  New Member
                  Posts: 2
                  New Member
                    Check out Article #73367 on Knowledge base, it states:

                    HR511 isn't creating tax deductions

                    When I run HR511 (Employee Conversion), tax deductions aren't created. Why?

                    The PepEffectDate field on HR511 determines the start date of your tax deductions. TaxFactory will not create tax deductions for any dates earlier than 1994. Therefore, the date in the PepEffectDate field must be 1/1/1994 or greater.

                    Note: In addition to determining the start date of your deductions, the date entered in the PepEffectDate field populates the Start field on PA13.1 (Multiple Positions and Jobs).

                    Basic Member
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                      So I have the dreaded pos level 01 effect date is greater than term date error. Unfortunately, there is only one position so it is more difficult to correct. The screens on PA13.2 are identical to PA13.1. Any suggestions?
                      Veteran Member
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                        The only way I'm aware of to correct it is to paint the field.
                        beverly godwin
                        Veteran Member
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                          We were told by GSC to change the effect date in the paemppos table with sql change code (or paint screen)..but my concern is that there are other tables that maybe should be changed here also?
                          Veteran Member
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                            If all you need to do is change the effective date on one PAEMPPOS record, you should be OK
                            Katy Prince
                            Advanced Member
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                              THIS is exactly my problem.  How do I fix it?  "Cannot term; term date is greater than position effective date."  Someone forgot to term and salaries were updated!


                              Kristie Starzyk
                              Veteran Member
                              Posts: 76
                              Veteran Member

                                This happened to us a lot at annual increase time!  You're not alone!  If someone terminated before the increases went into Lawson, but the term was submitted late, I had to reverse the salary change to get that position level effective date off of their record.  Once that is reversed, we were able to process the terminations.


                                Hope that helps!!

                                Katy Prince
                                Advanced Member
                                Posts: 27
                                Advanced Member
                                  I'm new at some of this...  How do I reverse a Salary Increase?  I don't have to reverse it for everyone, do I?
                                  Kristie Starzyk
                                  Veteran Member
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                                    No, you do not have to reverse for everyone. You'll be reversing that action on just that one person.
                                    Go to PA52.1, enter the company, employee, action you want to reverse and the effective date of that action. Click Inquire.
                                    Go to the Special Processing tab. (Under Selected Items 1, next to Main)
                                    Process Type - Reverse an Action
                                    History Correction - choose your option (we typically do Delete Records as they shouldn't have had it in the first place as a term)
                                    Action Number - choose the action you need to reverse.
                                    Click the arrow next to Inquire and choose Reverse Action, then click Reverse Action.
                                    You should get a message that you need to review the data you are about to reverse.
                                    Go to Selected Items 1 to review what the data is going back to.
                                    If everything looks good, click Add.
                                    If this went through any type of work flow for approval, it will need to be approved again. Then the PA100 will update the reversal you just did.

                                    I hope this helps!

                                    Katy Prince
                                    Advanced Member
                                    Posts: 27
                                    Advanced Member

                                      Thank you for your reply!

                                      When I go to do this reversal it won't let me because it says there is no action in the history to be reversed. :-(


                                      Kristie Starzyk
                                      Veteran Member
                                      Posts: 76
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                                        When you drill on that person and go to Personnel Actions, is there a salary change action there?
                                        Katy Prince
                                        Advanced Member
                                        Posts: 27
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                                          No.  It is only in Salary History and Position, Job History.  I tried changing on PA13.1 to match the previous that I saw on PA13.2, but because we pull rates from salary schedules, it won't let me change that either.
                                          Kristie Starzyk
                                          Veteran Member
                                          Posts: 76
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                                            Darn! Our salary increases are individual actions that we upload via add-ins. Sounds like you do it a different way that I'm not familiar with. I'm sorry... I think you'll have to contact Infor. SORRY!
                                            Katy Prince
                                            Advanced Member
                                            Posts: 27
                                            Advanced Member
                                              Thank you for trying to help.  I've already contacted Infor and they are trying to help, but haven't provided an actual solution as of yet.
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