Design Studio 9.0 Listbox - value not in list error

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Deborah Creek
Basic Member
Posts: 10
Basic Member

    In the 8.0.3 environment after a user types an invalid value in a listbox field the invalid value is cleared out and the message bar displays the "Value not in list:" error.

    In the 9.0 environment after a user types an invalid value in a listbox field the invalid value remains in the field and the message bar displays the "Value not in list:" error.

    On my custom form, my Design Studio script checks to make sure that required listbox fields are not blank.  In 8.0.3 this also ensured that the value is a valid value but in 9.0 the user can now submit with an invalid value.  I am looking for a way to force the listbox field to be blank when a user enters an invalid value.  If I can't do this and I need to add a check before the submit to verify that the value entered is a valid value, what is the most efficient way of going about that?



    Veteran Member
    Posts: 82
    Veteran Member


      First, I would introduce the Form_OnBeforeTransaction method to the form.
      Then isolate your listbox value, assigning it to a declared variable to make it easy to read, this is an example that should work, but you will need to change the name of your variable.

      var enteredValue = lawForm.getDataValue("RQH-PO-USER-FLD-1",0)
      return false;

      Returning "false" stops the form being submittted, you can verify what was entered.

      If this works, you can define a method that examines the entered character and takes appropriate action, again, just an example:

      if (!validSelect(lawForm.getDataValue("RQH-PO-USER-FLD-1",0)) {
        return false;
      else {
        return true;

      function validSelect(listValue) {
        // a null value has been entered
       if(!listValue {
        alert("Please enter a valid value");
        return false;

       switch(listValue) {
        case "A":
          return true;
        case "B";
          alert ("B is not permitted");
          return false
           alert("You have entered an invalid value and cannot submit this form"); 
           // clear the entered value
           // reset the browsers status bar
           self.status = "";
          return false


      I use switch and case whenever I can, cleaner and faster than nested if statments.  I also advise you to confirm that If you are running IE7, make certain you have status messages writing to the browser.

      Hope this helps.



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