Landing Page not being displayed

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    All of a sudden when a user goes to their Inbasket and selects their product, instead of the Landing Page being displayed, a white screen is displayed.  This happened on both the development and production servers.  No one has done any changes to the servers and I found it interesting that this happened on the same day, same time AND in BOTH on the Development AND Production Environments.  None of the servers are shared in either environment.  The landing page below is supposed to be displayed.  Has anybody come across this before?  Any solutions?  Thank you in advance!!



    Basic Member
    Posts: 24
    Basic Member
      We are not live yet in our cloudsuite but today in our DEV site when accessing the inbasket with get " page cannot be displayed" and this worked just fine last week with the correct landing page.
      Daniel Burrus,PMP
      Special School District, St. Louis County
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 46
      Advanced Member
        I don't even get a message, just a white screen.
        John Henley
        Posts: 3353
          This is often a browser compatibility mode issue.
          Make sure the mingle, lsf, and landmark sites are all NOT running in compatibility mode.
          Often IE settings are pushed out via group policy, and might include the option for compatibiliity mode for "all intranet" sites.
          Thanks for using the forums!
          Advanced Member
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            We don't use IE for Lawson 10, we use Chrome. INFOR recommends only to use Chrome starting with Version 10.
            Veteran Member
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              We have had this problem in the past and found that we had to clear out our temporary internet files. Have you tried that? Also, are you getting any type of error in chrome?
              Advanced Member
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                Where are you clearing out the temporary internet files? I go into Chrome and delete history from beginning of time. There is no error when the white page is displayed. It's just not displaying the landing page.
                Veteran Member
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                  Hi pops - We sometimes see issues like this when the page can't find an image or other resource it is expecting to load.

                  You may want to try opening the browser debugger (F12) on this page to see if there is an error showing in the console. You may need to reload the page after you open debugger. You will likely see errors that don't cause any problems (it's amazing how many there are), but you may also see something that will help you track down the problem.

                  Just curious - is there a chance you are using customized HTML5 landing pages? If so, could someone have been fiddling with one of the global configuration files and made a change in DEV and promoted it to PROD the same day? Probably not, but I thought I'd mention it.

                  Kelly Meade
                  J. R. Simplot Company
                  Boise, ID
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                  Posts: 510
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                    Hi Pops,
                    Is this happening to everybody or just some users? I know that we have a problem with Chrome in that it won't display content that is insecure (comes from http://...) on a https page. To get around that I had to go into the properties of the Chrome icon and add --allow-running-insecure-content at the end of the url in the target line. Usually though you will get a red shield show up that you can click on to see the error. See below for syntax.

                    "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\chrome.exe" --allow-running-insecure-content
                    Advanced Member
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                      This is happening to everyone on both Dev and Prod environments. Happened at the same time, same day. If you click on the white page in different areas, it takes you to different places. I put chrome into developer mode and here's what it displayed:

                      sso.js:1468 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check @ sso.js:1468
             Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
             Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
             Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
             Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
                      ajax.sso.js:93 findSSOPre: An error occured while getting sso instance.
                      ajax.sso.js:94 [Error] : SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
                      ajax.sso.js:95 [object DOMException]
             Uncaught TypeError: $(...).smartresize is not a function
             Uncaught ReferenceError: landmark is not defined
             Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
             Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
                      ajax.sso.js:93 findSSOPre: An error occured while getting sso instance.
                      ajax.sso.js:94 [Error] : SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
                      ajax.sso.js:95 DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.(…)
                      PfiMetrics.MyActions?menu=ProcessFlowMenu.MyActions&csk.PfiInbasketLandingPage=Infor&csk.hidetitleb…:52 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).smartresize is not a function(…)
                      PfiMetrics.MyActions?menu=ProcessFlowMenu.MyActions&csk.PfiInbasketLandingPage=Infor&csk.hidetitleb…:49 Uncaught ReferenceError: landmark is not defined(…)
                      Veteran Member
                      Posts: 510
                      Veteran Member
                        Looks like you have a couple of issues here. The first one is it can't find the following:
                        Then it looks like your getting a security error blocking ajax.sso.js. Did someone in your organization make some changes to the anti virus software that could be blocking it?
                        Advanced Member
                        Posts: 46
                        Advanced Member
                          Not to my knowledge. What do you suggest?
                          Veteran Member
                          Posts: 510
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                            Not much other than if you have access to the Landmark server you could search for those scripts - jquery.simplemodal.1.4.4.min.js and landmarkCombined.min.js are in the folders that are being referenced. For instance on my system jquery.simplemodal.1.4.4.min.js is in the following folder:

                            John Henley
                            Posts: 3353
                              I've seen with a couple of client recently where antivirus/endpoint protection software from Symantec on the clients is blocking Infor javascript files.
                              What security software are you using on the client PCs?
                              Thanks for using the forums!
                              Advanced Member
                              Posts: 46
                              Advanced Member
                                OK, we think symantec removed one of the files. We put it back and made an exclusion in symantec. We still get the white screen after selecting the inbasket and prod. Didn't see any other files removed by symantec. Wondering if we need to reboot the entire environment as apposed to just the landmark server.
                                Veteran Member
                                Posts: 510
                                Veteran Member
                                  You might first try stopping and restarting WebSphere.
                                  Advanced Member
                                  Posts: 46
                                  Advanced Member
                                    OK, the WebSphere was restarted and that did not fix the issue.