Using the --ignore option in daexport

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    I am trying to use the --ignore option in the daexport command and it works if I use it like so:


    daexport -t 4 -o devj --ignore ActionRequest,PfiActivity dev


    I was told by Infor Support that you could specify the file names in a file and reference it in the command, but it doesn't work.  Below is what I have tried.  Has anyone else tried this?  Thank you.


    daexport -t 4 -o devy --ignore @exclude.txt dev

    daexport -t 4 -o devy --ignore exclude.txt dev

    daexport -t 4 -o devy --ignore '@exclude.txt' dev

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      I am able to get it to work when I specify the --ignore parameter before each object I'm trying to ignore like so (Also, I do not put a comma after each one as it doesn't like):


      daexport -o E:\Export TMDEV --ignore PfiActivity --ignore PfiActivityVariable --ignore

      Veteran Member
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        It does work when you specify the --ignore option once followed by the file names separated by a comma for me.  It just doesn't work if you try to reference a file that contains the file names to ignore.  

        TJ Mann
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 44
        Veteran Member
          i used -ignore table1,table1,tabl3 and so on.