Mapping a crystal report that uses a sql command

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Ruma Malhotra
Veteran Member
Posts: 412
Veteran Member
    Has anyone been able to map a crystal report that uses a sql command that has the schema name hardcoded from one environment to another? Th problem in this lies where the schema name is diffrent in 2 environments. Like for example the schema name is prod and test in 2 different envirormnrts and it is difficult to map theses crystal reports.

    On LBI when you publish these reports the datasource override will not work since the objects will not be found because of the schema name being hardcoed in the SQL.

    What is the best way around this or is there one ?
    Matthew Nye
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 514
    Veteran Member
      create a crystal parameter that then passes its value to the SQL command. You can set the parameter to be hidden from the end user and hardcode it as you migrate from one env to the other. may have some performance implications so it might not be the best solution for all reports but perhaps its a good starting point.

      If any of my answers were helpful an endorsement on LinkedIn would be much appriciated!
      Ruma Malhotra
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 412
      Veteran Member
        Thanks! This is a great way to start after trying to change a dozen reports that have the schema name hardcoded and wondering how to make the report execute in different environments.

        I am going to try and redesign the rpeort and may have follow up questions.
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