Forum: Lawson Portal

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Print Manager bookmark in Portal    

Started By  Roger French
I can't remember how to do this, but.. How do you add a bookmark for the print manager or job scheduler in Portal I want my users to access them without having to inquire on a job. I just want a simple bookmark or menu drop down from Preferences. I tried calling it from lawform but I get an Server Express error. Thanks in advance, -Roger
3 21255 1
by  JesseJump to last post
2/22/2010 2:43 PM

LSF9 Portal max failed login attempts puts error text dump all over web page    

Started By  jeremy.zerr
With our move to LSF9 Portal and the SSO system, we now have the problem that when a user reaches the max number of failed login attempts, we get a pageful of a big servlet error dump. No page that says something nice like, 'you exceeded the max number of failed login attempts, please call the help desk to reset your password'. Its about 3 pagefuls of error text starting like this: com.lawson.lawsec.authen.SecurityAuthenException:Got exception while binding for oneOfOurLawsonUsers in LDAP...
5152 4
by  Carlotta McCormickJump to last post
2/19/2010 5:55 PM

Portal hung after sp6 install    

Started By  Teresa
I installed sp6 (we are windows 2003/sql lsf LCT, apps and portal. After I put on sp6 and patches and redeployed ear files. I tested and all was well. passed all smoke tests. I put on portal 9006 and all patches, deployed ear files etc. Passed all smoke tests. PROBLEM portal hangs when I next, inquire, etc. It just hangs and never moves on.  I am stuck and about to call to restore from backup.
5 4630 1
by  TeresaJump to last post
11/12/2009 5:03 PM

Log out screen missing login/user and password fields    

Started By  Roger French
Yes, really. I've never seen this on Portal. When users log out of Portal, they are presented with a screen saying, 'You have been logged out' . Yes obviously they have!! There is NO log in and password field which user can enter the id and password. This happens for all users and it doesn't matter which portal role xml they are using. This is Windows with Env , Apps and Portal version   Thanks in advance, Roger
9 6103 3
by  Ben CoonfieldJump to last post
12/3/2009 12:47 PM

XML report option gone in lsf 9    

Started By  Chris Anderson
It appears XML is not and option for reports beginning with per my client rep and lawson support. They showed me how to turn it on, but it's really useless because there is no longer an option in portal to view it and be able to drill on reports like GL291. Our accountants use the drill function ALOT. Has anyone got a solution for this
1 3942 1
by  NickJump to last post
1/5/2010 10:15 PM

Portal Shortcut that Includes Inquire    

Started By  Craig Derksen
Is it possible to create a bookmark that would jump directly to a Lawson form and perform the inquire  Ideally, something that looks like this: We are tying into a dotnet (.net) WebBrowser control and would like to enable the user to click a link and jump directly to the lawson form, with the data already retrieved.  If this is not possible, can someone provide guidance on how to utilize the xml generated by a 'servlet/R...
1 9991 1
by  ShawnVJump to last post
11/13/2009 8:04 PM

ESS External Access    

Started By  John Cunningham
We are looking to limit external users to ESS only. I know there are ways to do it by using 2 ids (for power users). We only want to use one. I was thinking about installing LBI Framework Services into a DMZ and creating an ESS dashboard on it. It would be a separate URL for external access. Does anyone have feedback on this Are there any other ways to accomplish this
3 8965 1
by  Russell SpreemanJump to last post
9/14/2010 2:44 PM

Multistep job from Bookmark?    

Started By  George Graham
I cannot find the syntax to do this, but I believe that I remember it is possible. Can anyone enlighten me
1 6317 1
by  MBMJump to last post
12/21/2009 6:15 PM

LDAP Bind and Unix Password Expiration    

Started By  Dave
Wondering if you can help with a question on security.  We run LSF9 using Lawson Security and LDAP Bind (ADAM).  For our batch users we create a non-shell account in Unix with a non-expiring password.  If the Unix passwords are set to expire, what impact would it have on the Portal sign on, authentication, and ability for the user to run lawson online or batch jobs in Portal if the Unix OS password expired  Thanks, Dave.
2 7690 1
by  Bart CongerJump to last post
1/9/2010 6:32 PM

Map enter key to inquire function    

Started By  pmeckes
How can I map the enter key to the inquire function in portal  We are Iseries 9005 env. E.g. In Version 8, HR11 you enter the company and emp and press enter, the screen was populated. Version 9 you have to press the inquire button.....I found an article in the KB that says to edit the hotkeys.xml. Looked at my hotkeys.xml and didn't see it
3 9788 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
1/29/2010 5:49 AM

Use F12 as Enter Key in Portal?    

Started By  Eddie Smith
In LID, users were able to change their Keyboard Remap option to enable F12 As Enter Key, which on some HR/PR forms allowed the user to go to the next line in a detail section (aka line the old typewriter return function for those who used to work with typewriters-I'm dating my self-ha!). Has anyone found a keystroke in Portal that will mimic this LID functionality
2 4977 0
by  Eddie SmithJump to last post
2/23/2010 12:52 AM

Lawson Portal and Active Directory    

Started By  Ronald
Has anyone had any problems with latency in Lawson who has Active Directory setup for their company   I know that Lawson iSeries is not compatible with AD.  We have setup AD with our business and our iSeries applications seem to be responding slowly to request.
1 4563 0
by  MattMJump to last post
3/24/2010 5:36 PM

Portal hangs    

Started By  John Crudele
We are on for Portal and Environment. (windows, SQL) Portal is hanging and stops working a couple time day. the issue just started happening no patches or changes have taken place. LID still works. We use LS security and LDAP bind The only error i see in the logs is as follows 2010-04-19 12:41:01,009 ERROR [FileMgr] com.lawson.ios.agent.AgentException: User does not have sufficient rights to access service/resource. Does anyone have any ideas Thanks JC
3 5234 0
by  John CrudeleJump to last post
4/21/2010 11:36 AM

MSS Drill Down Security    

Started By  Kevin H
I have an issue with MSS drill down security and it's effect on ESS. LAUA is being used until LSF is rolled out in a later phase. The business wants to restrict drill security for direct reports. They want to hide benefit, deduction and certain employee information. In LAUA, I have used file and field security to restrict the data on the security class. Those changes make MSS work exactly how I want it to. The problem is with ESS. The security restrictions also keeps the employee fr...
4 5839 1
by  Fernando LabradaJump to last post
5/4/2010 2:22 PM

Is there a way to debug portal program????    

Started By  Vijay S
Hi, Can anyone tell me how to debug the html code of a portal program, say PR89 some customizations have been made to the standard file and now it is not working as expected Regards, VJ
5 7040 2
by  Vijay SJump to last post
5/7/2010 4:48 AM

Display indirect reports    

Started By  JL
Is there a way to display indirect employee detailed information like you can for your direct reports
4 5162 0
by  JLJump to last post
6/9/2010 2:06 PM

Forced redirect to a page or Portal bookmark?    

Started By  Joe O'Toole
Has anyone had any luck implementing a forced redirect upon login time (or based on some controllable setting) to a given HTML page or Portal bookmark We have the need to do this for an annual consent process. Thanks.
4 5657 1
by  Joe O'TooleJump to last post
6/8/2010 2:28 PM

Accessing a new form in Portal    

Started By  TobyC
I have created a new 4GL program called ZQ10. I compiled and tested it in LID and it works the way it should. The program is marked as in production. I can find it from within the ProcessFlow Transaction builder. I did an xscrgen for the program and closed all Internet windows but when I go into Portal it cannot find the program. Is there something I am missing
2 4019 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/7/2010 8:49 PM

User's Using Incorrect Browser    

Started By  jellis
We had an ongoing problem with users using the wrong browser so I threw something together that might help others. Of course your mileage may vary. What it does it check the browser type and if it is not equal to IE then it flashes a warning message and stops executing any script. You will need to modify your /web/lawson/portal/index.htm with the following lines- function init() { if (BrowserDetect.browser == 'Explorer') { if (BrowserDetect.versi...
2 5285 2
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
6/9/2010 12:43 PM

Lawson Portal on multiple browsers    

Started By  Deleted User
Want to use your favorite Web Browser to access the Lawson Portal 9 Stop looking around and check our new Browser Solutions for Lawson! The easiest way to navigate on Lawson Portal using MS Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Contact us:
0 13112 0
6/23/2010 8:49 PM

Lawson search links - anyone having problems with the KB link?    

Started By  CindyW
Our users like to use the KnowledgeBase link from within the Lawson Portal, instead of opening a new IE window. We've just noticed that the link no longer works. We get the login screen, but once you enter your credentals and click Log In, we get an http400 error. All the other delivered links work (Google, Yahoo, MSN) and I can even log in to my Yahoo account. I tried creating a shortcut link (in portal) as well (to Lawson Support) and it does the same thing (I get the same error...
3 4253 1
by  CindyWJump to last post
6/29/2010 3:01 PM

Dropdown buttons, defval and publsihing - which is it?    

Started By  Deleted User
Friends, Does it work What I am trying to do is on my GL40, I am trying to force the dropdown button with Inquire, Page Up, Page Down, Release, etc, to default to Release. As you will see in the defval I set it to R but am obviously missing something else as well I think. Something else odd is that I do not have access to publish files to our development (I know I am just the developer). But when we run the query to check the indexing settings of our customized forms on the LOGAN database...
0 4746 2
7/19/2010 6:42 PM

Poor Performance of LSF9 Portal    

Started By  Pramod Chandra
Poor/Slow Performance of LSF9 Portal Solaris OS (64 Bit) Wepshere Data Base Load Balancer, If anyone has the same problem Please provide suggestions Thanks in Advance Pramod
1 4910 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
8/17/2010 6:40 PM

Assignment of Portal Role Files    

Started By  TBonney
I'm not certain this is the proper forum in which to post this, so please forgive me if not. We would like to assign different Portal Role files, granting increasing functionality to our three main groups of Portal users (one for ESS-only users, one for RSS-users, one for power-users). Is it possible to re-assign the Portal role file using Resource Manager, without impacting anything else on the user's security profile Thank you.
0 4409 1
8/16/2010 12:16 PM

How to link to a pdf document from a Portal Bookmark?    

Started By  TBonney
Does anyone know the proper syntax to use in definign a url to a document from within a Portal Bookmark We designate a bookmark to password resets, taking users to sso\useratts.htm. We'd like to also provide another bookmark with instructions(pdf document) on how to use this page to reset both environment and ssop passwords. However, we can't figure proper syntax. Is there a certain location on the server that we should be using to store the document in, in order to make a link to it work...
2 4367 1
by  JudeBacJump to last post
9/1/2010 2:07 PM
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