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                            AMASTBKDSP FILE

                          Asset Book Disposal

This file contains historical asset book information related to disposals
from AM40.1 (Disposals), AM40.2 (Items), and AM40.3 (Gain or Loss).


AM240     AM255     AM260     AM265     AM267     AM287
AM292     AMDL.1    AM95.1    AM95.2    AM95.4    AM95.5


AM145     AM154     AM170     AM192     AM300     AM310
AM40.1    AM40.2    AM40.3    AM41.1    AM520     AM115
AM117     AM125     AM15.1    AM15.2    AM15.3    AM15.4
AM20.1    AM20.2    AM20.3    AM20.4    AM20.5    AM20.6
AM21.1    AM21.2    AM21.3    AM21.4    AM21.5    AM21.6
AM500     AM551     AM96.1    AM98.1


ABD-ASSET              Numeric 10                                AM145   AM154
Element: Asset         Key field. The asset number contains up   AM40.1  AM40.2
                       to ten numeric characters that uniquely
                       identify an asset. Assets are
                       automatically numbered system-wide.

ABD-BOOK               Alpha 10                                  AM145   AM154
Element: Book          Key field. This field contains a          AM40.1  AM40.2
                       user-defined book name.  Books are used   AM520
                       by assets for calculating depreciation,
                       replacement cost, and insurance values,
                       and for reporting.

ABD-BOOK-COST-SALE     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Book Cost of SThis is the cost of sale for the asset    AM40.1  AM40.2

ABD-CST-SALE-OVRRD     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Cost of Sale           This is the overriding amount for the     AM40.1  AM40.2
Override               book cost of sale.                        AM40.3

ABD-BOOK-PROCEEDS      Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Book Proceeds This field contains the proceeds for      AM40.1  AM40.2
                       the asset disposal.

ABD-PROCEEDS-OVRRD     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Proceeds OverrThis is the overriding amount for the     AM40.1  AM40.2
                       book proceeds from the disposal.          AM40.3

ABD-GAIN-LOSS          Signed 18.2                               AM40.1  AM40.2
Element: Gain or Loss  This field contains the gain or loss
                       for the asset disposal.

ABD-GN-LS-OVERRIDE     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Gain or Loss           This field contains the gain or loss      AM192   AM40.1
Override               override for the asset disposal.          AM40.2  AM40.3

ABD-DEFER-GN-LS        Signed 18.2
Deferred Gain or       This field contains the deferred gain
Loss                   or loss for the asset disposal.

ABD-DEFER-OVERRIDE     Signed 18.2                               AM40.3
Deferred Gain or       This field contains the deferred gain
Loss Override          or loss override for the asset disposal.

ABD-TC-RECAPTURE       Signed 18.2                               AM40.1  AM40.2
Element: Tax Credit RecThis is the tax credit recapture amount   AM40.3
                       for the asset disposal.

ABD-TC-OVERRIDE        Signed 18.2
Element: Tax Credit OveThis is the tax credit recapture
                       override for the asset disposal.

ABD-BOOK-BASIS         Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Book Basis    This field contains the amount on which   AM40.1  AM40.2
                       the depreciation calculations for the
                       disposed asset are based.

                       Note: The depreciation basis amount can
                       be different for each depreciation book

ABD-TRAN-ND            Numeric 1                                 AM145   AM154
Transaction Number     The number of decimal positions defined   AM40.1  AM40.2
of Decimals            for the transaction currency.

ABD-DSP-DEPR           Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Disposal               This is the depreciation expense          AM40.1  AM40.2
Depreciation           associated with the disposal.

ABD-DSP-DEPR-OVRRD     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Depreciation           This is the depreciation expense          AM192   AM40.1
Override               override amount associated with the       AM40.2  AM40.3

ABD-DEPR-YTD           Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Year-to-Date           This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM40.1  AM40.2
Depreciation           for the disposed asset.

ABD-DEPR-YTD-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Year-to-Date Depr      This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM40.1  AM40.2
Allowance              allowance for the disposed asset.

ABD-DEPR-YTD-OVRRD     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Year-to-Date Depr      This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM40.1  AM40.2
Override               override for the disposed asset.

ABD-DEPR-LTD           Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Life-to-Date           This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM40.1  AM40.2
Depreciation           for the disposed-of asset.

ABD-DEPR-LTD-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Life-to-Date Depr      This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM40.1  AM40.2
Allowance              allowance for the disposed asset.

ABD-SALVAGE-VALUE      Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Salvage Value This is the salvage value of the asset,   AM40.1  AM40.2
                       or value remaining, at the end of the
                       asset's life. It can be zero.

                       If the depreciation method is SL
                       (Straight Line), the basis used for the
                       depreciation calculation is the asset
                       cost less this salvage value.

                       If the depreciation method is 200DB
                       (Double Declining Balance), 125DB (125%
                       Declining Balance), 150 (150% Declining
                       Balance), or 175 (175% Declining
                       Balance), the basis used for the
                       depreciation calculation is the asset
                       cost. Depreciation is taken until the
                       total amount taken is equal to the asset
                       cost less this salvage value.

ABD-YR1-EXP            Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: First Year ExpThis is the new first year expense        AM40.1  AM40.2
                       amount for the asset. It represents the
                       amount to expense for the First Year
                       Expense option. This U.S. tax option
                       allows you to expense and not depreciate
                       a total dollar amount for the assets of
                       each eligible company.

ABD-TC-PROPERTY        Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Property Tax CThis is the tax credit amount for the     AM40.1  AM40.2
                       asset, if you are taking a tax credit
                       for used property.

ABD-TAX-CREDIT         Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Element: Tax Credit    This is the tax credit amount for the     AM40.1  AM40.2

ABD-INS-ACT-VAL        Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Actual Insurance       This is the actual insurance value for    AM40.1  AM40.2
Value                  the asset.

ABD-INS-CMPTD-VAL      Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Computed Insurance     This is the computed insurance value      AM40.1  AM40.2
Value                  for the asset.

ABD-RPL-CMPTD-VAL      Signed 18.2                               AM145   AM154
Computed               This is the computed replacement value    AM40.1  AM40.2
Replacement Value      for the asset.

ABD-NEW-AST-BASIS      Signed 18.2
Element: New Asset BasiIf the disposal is a partial disposal,
                       a new asset must be defined. This field
                       contains the new asset basis, or the
                       amount on which depreciation
                       calculations for the new asset are

ABD-CASH-PAID          Signed 18.2
Element: Cash Paid     This is the amount of cash paid in the
                       asset disposal.

ABD-OLD-AST-ADJ-BS     Signed 18.2
Old Asset Adjusted     This is the adjusted basis for the old
Basis                  asset.

ABD-AMT-REALIZED       Signed 18.2
Element: Amount RealizeThis is the amount realized through the

ABD-AMT-GIVEN-UP       Signed 18.2
Element: Amount Given UThis is the amount of depreciation
                       given up as a result of the disposal.

ABD-NEW-AST-ADJ-BS     Signed 18.2
New Asset Adjusted     If the disposal is a partial disposal,
Basis                  a new asset must be defined. This is the
                       adjusted basis for the new asset.

ABD-NEW-ASSET          Numeric 10
Element: New Asset     If the disposal is a partial disposal,
                       a new asset must be defined. This is the
                       new asset number.

ABD-AST-DSP-ASSET      Derived
Element: Disposal AssetThis is the number of the disposed-of

ABD-AST-ASSET-GRP      Derived
Element: Asset Group   This is the asset group for the new

ABD-AST-TAG-NBR        Derived
Element: Tag Number    This is the tag for the new asset.

ABD-AST-DESCRIP        Derived
Element: Asset DescriptThis is the new asset description.

ABD-ASD-DSP-DATE       Derived
Element: Disposal Date This is the effective date for the
                       asset disposal.

ABD-ASD-FULL-PART      Derived
Element: Full or PartiaThis field indicates whether the
                       disposal is a full or partial disposal.

ABD-ASD-DSP-METH       Derived
Element: Disposal MethoThis is the way in which the asset was
                       disposed of.

ABD-ASD-DSP-PROP       Derived
Element: Disposal PropeThis is the user-defined name of a
                       disposal property. It represents a kind
                       of disposed-of asset.

Element: Book Currency This is the currency for the book.

Element: Creation Date This is the creation date for the

Element: Creation Time This is the creation time for the

Element: Creator ID    This is the ID of the person who
                       created the disposal.

ABD-AMB-DESC           Derived
Element: Description   This is the description of the book.

Element: Book Basis    This field contains the amount on which
                       the depreciation calculations for the
                       book are based.

ABD-ASB-METHOD         Derived
Element: Method        This is the asset book depreciation

ABD-ASB-LIFE           Derived
Element: Life          This is the life of the asset.

ABD-ASB-LIFE-REM       Derived
Element: Life RemainingThis is the remaining life for the

Element: In Service DatThis is the in-service date for the

Element: Convention    This is the in-service convention for
                       the asset.

ABD-DSP-OVERRIDE       Derived
Element: Disposal OverrThe word "OVERRIDE" displays if the
                       disposal amount has been overridden.

Element: Proceeds OverrThe word "OVERRIDE" displays if the
                       proceeds amount has been overridden.

ABD-COS-OVERRIDE       Derived
Cost of Sales          The word "OVERRIDE" displays if the
Override               expense amount has been overridden.

Deferred Gain or       The word "OVERRIDE" displays if the
Loss Override          deferred gain or loss amount has been

Tax Credit             The word "OVERRIDE" displays if the tax
Recapture Override     credit recapture amount has been

ABD-CALC-DEPR-LTD      Derived
Element: Calc Depr Ltd This is the life-to-date calculated

ABD-DSP-NET-VALUE      Derived
Element: Disposal Net VThe Disposal Net Value is calculated as
                       follows: Book Basis - Life-to-Date

ABD-AST-LOCATION       Derived
Element: Ast Location  This is the location associated with
                       the asset.

ABD-AST-DIVISION       Derived
Element: Ast Division  This is the division associated with
                       the asset.

ABD-AST-TYPE           Derived
Element: Ast Type      This is the type associated with the

ABD-AST-SUBTYPE        Derived
Element: Ast Subtype   This is the subtype associated with the

                         AMASTBKDSP FILE INDEX


ABDSET1   ASSET         This index accesses information by       AM115   AM117
          BOOK          asset and book.                          AM125   AM145
                                                                 AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM154   AM170
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM240
                                                                 AM255   AM260
                                                                 AM265   AM267
                                                                 AM287   AM292

ABDSET2   BOOK          This index accesses information by book  AM95.1  AM95.2
          ASSET         and asset.                               AM95.4  AM95.5

                         AMASTBKDSP FILE RELATIONS



Amasset        AMASSET      Not Required
                            Valid When ABD-ASSET != Zeroes

                            ABD-ASSET            -> AST-ASSET

Amassetdsp     AMASSETDSP   Not Required

                            ABD-ASSET            -> ASD-ASSET

Amastbook      AMASTBOOK    Not Required

                            ABD-ASSET            -> ASB-ASSET
                            ABD-BOOK             -> ASB-BOOK

Amasttype      AMASTTYPE    Not Required

                            AST-COMPANY          -> ATP-COMPANY
                            AST-ASSET-TYPE       -> ATP-ASSET-TYPE
                            AST-SUB-TYPE         -> ATP-SUB-TYPE

Ambook         AMBOOK       Not Required

                            ABD-BOOK             -> AMB-BOOK

Amdivision     AMDIVISION   Not Required

                            AST-DIVISION         -> DIV-DIVISION

Amlocation     AMLOCATION   Not Required

                            AST-LOCATION-NAME    -> LOC-LOCATION-NAME