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                             AMASTBOOK FILE

                               Asset Book

The Asset Book file stores the asset book records used to depreciate assets.
Each asset book record describes the depreciation parameters needed to
depreciate an asset, based on a specific depreciation book assigned to the

Each Asset file record may have one or more related records in the Asset Book
file, one for each book assigned to the asset.


AM220     AM222     AM225     AM240     AM255     AM260
AM265     AM266     AM267     AM278     AM280     AM281
AM285     AM287     AM290     AM292     AM295     AM320
AM501     AM90.1    AM90.2    AM90.4    AM90.5    AM91.1
AM91.2    AM91.4    AM91.5    AMAS.1    AMDL.1    AM00.1
AM00.2    AM01.1    AM01.2    AM01.3    AM04.1    AM06.4
AM06.5    AM88.2    AMCV.1    AMMD.1    AMLF.1


AM115     AM117     AM120     AM125     AM135     AM145
AM15.1    AM15.2    AM15.3    AM15.4    AM154     AM170
AM180     AM185     AM190     AM192     AM195     AM20.1
AM20.2    AM20.3    AM20.4    AM20.5    AM20.6    AM21.1
AM21.2    AM21.3    AM21.4    AM21.5    AM21.6    AM30.1
AM30.2    AM30.3    AM300     AM310     AM40.1    AM40.2
AM40.3    AM40.4    AM41.1    AM41.2    AM500     AM502
AM520     AM551     AM580     AM60.1    AM92.1    AM96.1


ASB-ASSET              Numeric 10                                AM115   AM117
Element: Asset         The asset number associated with the      AM125   AM135
                       asset book record.                        AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                       The asset number contains up to ten       AM15.4  AM154
                       numeric characters that uniquely          AM170   AM20.1
                       identify an asset. Assets are             AM20.2  AM20.3
                       automatically numbered system-wide.       AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-BOOK               Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Book          A book name assigned to the asset.        AM120   AM125
                       Books are user-defined and are used by    AM135   AM15.1
                       assets for calculating depreciation,      AM15.2  AM15.3
                       replacement cost, and insurance values,   AM15.4  AM154
                       and for reporting.                        AM170   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM520
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-BOOK-STATUS        Alpha 1                                   AM115   AM117
Element: Book Status   This field identifies the status of the   AM120   AM125
                       book. Valid values are:                   AM135   AM15.1
                       A = Active                                AM15.2  AM15.3
                       I = Inactive                              AM15.4  AM170
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-LIFE               Numeric 4                                 AM115   AM117
Element: Life          The life value of the asset, expressed    AM120   AM125
                       in months.                                AM135   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                       Note: The asset life can be different     AM15.4  AM170
                       for each depreciation book used.          AM180   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM280
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-LIFE-REM           Signed 7.3                                AM115   AM117
Element: Life RemainingThe asset life remaining, expressed in    AM120   AM125
                       months. This value represents the number  AM135   AM15.1
                       of months the Asset Management system     AM15.2  AM15.3
                       will continue to depreciate the asset.    AM15.4  AM170
                                                                 AM180   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM280
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-BOOK-BASIS         Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Element: Book Basis    The amount on which the depreciation      AM125   AM135
                       calculations are based.                   AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                       Note:  The depreciation basis amount      AM15.4  AM154
                       can be different for each depreciation    AM170   AM192
                       book used.                                AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM40.3  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-METHOD             Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Method        The method the book uses to calculate     AM120   AM125
                       depreciation for the asset. Standard      AM135   AM15.1
                       depreciation methods are predefined.      AM15.2  AM15.3
                       Additional methods can be user defined    AM15.4  AM170
                       for the following kinds of methods:       AM20.1  AM20.2
                       compute statements, annual percent        AM20.3  AM20.4
                       tables, and annual and period units of    AM20.5  AM20.6
                       production tables. Valid predefined       AM21.1  AM21.2
                       values are:                               AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                       SL = Straight Line.                       AM30.1  AM500
                       200DB = 200 percent declining balance.    AM502   AM551
                       175DB = 175 percent declining balance.    AM92.1  AM96.1
                       150DB = 150 percent declining balance.    AM98.1
                       125DB = 125 percent declining balance.
                       SYD = Sum of the year's digits.

ASB-METH-SWITCHED      Alpha 1                                   AM115   AM117
Element: Method SwitcheThis field indicates whether the Asset    AM125   AM135
                       Management system has switched the        AM15.1  AM15.2
                       depreciation method to the optimizing     AM15.3  AM15.4
                       method. Valid values are:                 AM170   AM180
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                       N = No.                                   AM20.3  AM20.4
                       Y = Yes.                                  AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-INSRV-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM115   AM117
Element: In Service DatThe date the asset was placed in          AM120   AM125
                       service.                                  AM135   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                       Note:  The in-service date can be         AM15.4  AM170
                       different for each depreciation book      AM20.1  AM20.2
                       used.                                     AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-METH-TABLE-YR      Numeric 2                                 AM115   AM117
Element: Method Table YThe year the asset was placed in          AM125   AM135
                       service.                                  AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM170   AM195
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-CONVENTION         Alpha 2                                   AM115   AM117
Element: Convention    The depreciation convention assigned to   AM120   AM125
                       the book. This value is used to           AM135   AM15.1
                       determine the first and last years'       AM15.2  AM15.3
                       depreciation amounts to take. Valid       AM15.4  AM170
                       values are:                               AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                       FM = Full Month.                          AM20.5  AM20.6
                       HM = Modified Half Month.                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                       MM = Mid Month.                           AM21.3  AM21.4
                       NM = Next Month.                          AM21.5  AM21.6
                       HY = Half Year.                           AM30.1  AM500
                       MY = Modified Half Year.                  AM502   AM551
                       FY = Full Year.                           AM92.1  AM96.1
                       AD = Actual Days.                         AM98.1
                       MQ = Mid Quarter.

                       Note: See data file text for the Method
                       file for more information on each

ASB-DEPR-STARTDATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM115   AM117
Depreciation Start     The date depreciation calculations        AM125   AM135
Date                   began or will begin for the asset.        AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM170   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-LIFE-YEARS         Signed 5.2                                AM115   AM117
Element: Life Years    The total life value of the asset,        AM120   AM125
                       expressed in years. This value is         AM135   AM15.1
                       calculated by dividing the Life value by  AM15.2  AM15.3
                       12.                                       AM15.4  AM170
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-STATUS-CP-CALC     Alpha 1                                   AM115   AM117
Calc Status Current    This field indicates whether              AM125   AM135
Period                 depreciation has been calculated for the  AM145   AM15.1
                       current period.                           AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM180
                                                                 AM190   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-LIFE-CP            Signed 5.3                                AM115   AM117
Element: Current PeriodThis is the current period portion of     AM125   AM135
                       the asset life.                           AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM180
                                                                 AM190   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM280   AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM30.3
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM40.3  AM40.4
                                                                 AM41.1  AM41.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-TRAN-ND            Numeric 1                                 AM115   AM117
Transaction Number     The number of decimal positions defined   AM125   AM135
of Decimals            for the transaction currency.             AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-DEPR-CP            Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Current Period         This is the current period depreciation   AM125   AM135
Depreciation           for this book. This amount includes only  AM145   AM15.1
                       the business use, not the personal use,   AM15.2  AM15.3
                       portion of the depreciation               AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM180
                                                                 AM190   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM280   AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM30.3
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM40.3  AM40.4
                                                                 AM41.1  AM41.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-DEPR-CP-ALLOW      Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Current Period Depr    This is the current period depreciation   AM125   AM135
Allowed                allowed for the book. This amount is      AM145   AM15.1
                       equivalent to the full depreciation,      AM15.2  AM15.3
                       including business and personal use.      AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM180
                                                                 AM190   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM280   AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM30.3
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM40.3  AM40.4
                                                                 AM41.1  AM41.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-DEPR-YTD           Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Year-to-Date           This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM125   AM135
Depreciation           amount for the book. This amount          AM145   AM15.1
                       includes only the business use, not the   AM15.2  AM15.3
                       personal use, portion of the              AM15.4  AM154
                       depreciation.                             AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM195
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM30.3  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM40.3
                                                                 AM40.4  AM41.1
                                                                 AM41.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-DEPR-YTD-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Year-to-Date Depr      This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM125   AM135
Allowed                allowed for the book. This amount is      AM145   AM15.1
                       equivalent to the full depreciation,      AM15.2  AM15.3
                       including business and personal use.      AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM195
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM40.4  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-DEPR-YTD-OVRRD     Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Year-to-Date Depr      This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM125   AM135
Override               override amount.                          AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM192
                                                                 AM195   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM60.1  AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-DEPR-LTD           Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Life-to-Date           This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM125   AM135
Depreciation           amount for the book. This amount          AM145   AM15.1
                       includes only the business use, not the   AM15.2  AM15.3
                       personal use, portion of the              AM15.4  AM154
                       depreciation.                             AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM30.3
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM40.3  AM40.4
                                                                 AM41.1  AM41.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM580
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-DEPR-LTD-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Life-to-Date Depr      This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM125   AM135
Allowed                allowed for the book. This amount is      AM145   AM15.1
                       equivalent to the full depreciation,      AM15.2  AM15.3
                       including business and personal use.      AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM40.4
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM580
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-LAST-CLOSE         Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Element: Last Close    This is the balance in the last-closed    AM125   AM135
                       period for this  book.                    AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM154   AM170
                                                                 AM190   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM500   AM551
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-FIRST-LAST-FL      Alpha 1                                   AM115   AM117
Element: First or Last This field is an internal,                AM125   AM135
                       system-maintained value used to control   AM15.1  AM15.2
                       depreciation calculations during the      AM15.3  AM15.4
                       first and last years of an asset's life.  AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM195
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                       Valid values are:                         AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                       F = First. This is the first in-service   AM21.1  AM21.2
                       year for the asset.                       AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                       M = Middle. The asset is in a year        AM30.1  AM500
                       other than the first or last.             AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM580   AM92.1
                       L = Last. This is the last in-service     AM96.1  AM98.1
                       year for the asset.

                       C = Completely Depreciated. The asset
                       no longer participates in depreciation

                       P = Post Recovery. The system will
                       continue to depreciate the asset beyond
                       the original asset life.

ASB-INACT-YTD          Signed 5.3                                AM115   AM117
Inactive               This is the number of inactive months     AM125   AM135
Year-to-Date           for the book year-to-date.                AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM195
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-INACT-LTD          Signed 7.3                                AM115   AM117
Inactive               This is the number of inactive months     AM125   AM135
Life-to-Date           for the book life-to-date.                AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-SALVAGE-VALUE      Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Element: Salvage Value The salvage value of the asset at the     AM125   AM135
                       end of the asset's life. It can be zero.  AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                       If the depreciation method is STL         AM170   AM192
                       (Straight Line), the basis used for the   AM20.1  AM20.2
                       depreciation calculation is the asset     AM20.3  AM20.4
                       cost less this salvage value.             AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                       If the depreciation method is DDB         AM21.3  AM21.4
                       (Double Declining Balance), 150 (150%     AM21.5  AM21.6
                       Declining Balance), or 175 (175%          AM30.1  AM30.2
                       Declining Balance), the basis used for    AM40.1  AM40.2
                       the depreciation calculation is the       AM500   AM502
                       asset cost. Depreciation will be taken    AM551   AM92.1
                       until the total amount taken is equal to  AM96.1  AM98.1
                       the asset cost less this salvage value.

ASB-BUS-PERCENT        Signed 5.2                                AM115   AM117
Element: Business PerceThe business percent usage of the         AM125   AM135
                       asset. If this value is less than 100     AM15.1  AM15.2
                       percent, the value is used in             AM15.3  AM15.4
                       depreciation calculations.                AM170   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-PERSONAL-USE       Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Personal Use  The personal use code assigned to the     AM125   AM135
                       asset. A personal use code defines the    AM15.1  AM15.2
                       personal use options that asset books     AM15.3  AM15.4
                       use to calculate  depreciation, tax       AM170   AM20.1
                       credits, and annual depreciation limits   AM20.2  AM20.3
                       up to twenty years. The code is user      AM20.4  AM20.5
                       definable.                                AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-YR1-EXP            Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Element: First Year ExpThis is the new first year expense        AM125   AM135
                       amount. It represents the amount to       AM145   AM15.1
                       expense for the First Year Expense        AM15.2  AM15.3
                       option. This U.S. tax option allows you   AM15.4  AM154
                       to expense and not depreciate a total     AM170   AM192
                       dollar amount for the assets of each      AM20.1  AM20.2
                       eligible company.                         AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-TC-TABLE           Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Tax Credit TabA user-defined tax credit table, which    AM125   AM135
                       defines tax credit percentages and        AM15.1  AM15.2
                       annual tax credit recapture percentages   AM15.3  AM15.4
                       for up to twenty years. Asset books use   AM170   AM20.1
                       tax credit tables to calculate tax        AM20.2  AM20.3
                       credits.                                  AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-TC-PROPERTY        Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Element: Tax Credit ProIf you are taking a tax credit for used   AM125   AM135
                       property, this field contains the amount  AM145   AM15.1
                       that qualifies for the credit.            AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-TAX-CREDIT         Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Element: Tax Credit    This is the amount of tax credit taken    AM125   AM135
                       for this asset.                           AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-INS-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Insurance MethThe method used to calculate insurance    AM125   AM135
                       values for the asset.                     AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM170   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-INS-ACT-VAL        Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Insurance Actual       The actual insurance value of the         AM125   AM135
Value                  asset.                                    AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM192
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM30.1  AM30.2
                                                                 AM40.1  AM40.2
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-INS-CMPTD-VAL      Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Insurance Computed     The calculated insurance value for the    AM125   AM135
Value                  asset.                                    AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM185
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-RPL-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Replacement MeThe method used to calculate              AM125   AM135
                       replacement values for the asset.         AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM170   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

ASB-RPL-CMPTD-VAL      Signed 18.2                               AM115   AM117
Replacement            The calculated replacement value for      AM125   AM135
Computed Value         the asset.                                AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM185
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM96.1

ASB-CREATION-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM115   AM117
Element: Creation Date The date the asset book record was        AM125   AM145
                       created.                                  AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM154   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.4
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.4  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM98.1

ASB-CREATION-TIME      Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                       AM115   AM117
Element: Creation Time The time the asset book record was        AM125   AM145
                       created.                                  AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM154   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.4
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.4  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM98.1

ASB-CREATOR-ID         Alpha 10                                  AM115   AM117
Element: Creator ID    This field identifies the operator who    AM125   AM145
                       created the asset book record.            AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM154   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.4
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.4  AM40.1
                                                                 AM40.2  AM500
                                                                 AM502   AM551
                                                                 AM92.1  AM98.1

ASB-BOOK-DESC          Derived
Element: Book DescriptiThe book description.

ASB-BOOK-VALUE         Derived
Element: Book Value    The book value is calculated as
                       follows: Book Basis - Life-to-date

ASB-SALVAGE-PCT        Derived
Element: Salvage PercenSalvage percentage is calculated as
                       follows: Salvage Value / Book Basis.

ASB-BK-YR-END-DATE     Derived
Element: Book Year-End The last date of the fiscal year.

ASB-BK-YR-BEG-DATE     Derived
Element: Book Year-BegiThe first date of the fiscal year.

ASB-BK-PD-PER-YR       Derived
Book Periods Per       The number of periods defined for the
Year                   fiscal year.

ASB-BK-DEPR-PD-CLS     Derived
Book Depreciation      This field identifies the number of
Period Close           depreciation periods that are closed in
                       the fiscal year.

ASB-BK-PD-CLOSE-DT     Derived
Book Period Close      The last date of the current period.

ASB-BK-PD-CURR-DT      Derived
Book Current Period    This field identifies the closing date
Close Date             of the current period.

ASB-BK-REQ             Derived
Element: Book Required This field indicates whether the book
                       is a required book to be used by all new
                       assets being added.

ASB-BK-POSTING         Derived
Element: Posting Book  This field identifies whether the book
                       is a posting book that posts journal
                       entries to the general ledger.

Element: Book Status   The status of the book.

Element: Currency Code The currency code assigned to the book.

Element: Method Switch This field identifies whether the
                       depreciation method can be switched for
                       the book.

ASB-BK-DEPR-TYPE       Derived
Element: Bk Depr Type  This field allows for a drill-around to
                       AMBOOK to diplay the values in the
                       DEPR-TYPE-FLAG (Asset or Class).

ASB-BK-HISTORY         Derived
Element: Bk History

ASB-TAG                Derived
Element: Tag           The tag number assigned to the asset.

ASB-ASSET-GRP          Derived
Element: Asset Group   The asset group assigned to the asset.

ASB-DEPR-YTD-OVER      Derived
Year-to-Date Deprec    The word "OVERRIDE" displays if there
Override               is a year-to-date depreciation override

ASB-AST-DESC           Derived
Element: Asset DescriptThis is the asset description.

ASB-AST-STATUS         Derived
Element: Asset Status  This is the asset status.

ASB-AST-LOCATION       Derived
Element: Ast Location

ASB-AST-DIVISION       Derived
Element: Ast Division

ASB-AST-TYPE           Derived
Element: Ast Type

ASB-AST-SUBTYPE        Derived
Element: Ast Subtype

ASB-DSP-YTD            Signed 5.3                                AM115   AM117
Element: Dsp Ytd       This is the number of months that the     AM125   AM15.1
                       asset has been disposed in the current    AM15.2  AM15.3
                       year. This field gets cleared when the    AM15.4  AM170
                       year rolls over.                          AM190   AM195
                                                                 AM20.1  AM20.2
                                                                 AM20.3  AM20.4
                                                                 AM20.5  AM20.6
                                                                 AM21.1  AM21.2
                                                                 AM21.3  AM21.4
                                                                 AM21.5  AM21.6
                                                                 AM500   AM502
                                                                 AM551   AM92.1
                                                                 AM96.1  AM98.1

                         AMASTBOOK FILE INDEX


ASBSET1   ASSET                                                  AM115   AM117
          BOOK                                                   AM120   AM125
                                                                 AM135   AM145
                                                                 AM15.1  AM15.2
                                                                 AM15.3  AM15.4
                                                                 AM154   AM170
                                                                 AM180   AM185
                                                                 AM190   AM192
                                                                 AM195   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM220

ASBSET2   BOOK                                                   AM00.1  AM00.2
          ASSET                                                  AM01.1  AM01.2
                                                                 AM01.3  AM04.1
                                                                 AM06.4  AM06.5
                                                                 AM120   AM135
                                                                 AM145   AM220
                                                                 AM267   AM278
                                                                 AM280   AM281
                                                                 AM285   AM287
                                                                 AM290   AM310
                                                                 AM520   AM60.1
                                                                 AM88.2  AM90.1
                                                                 AM90.2  AM90.4
                                                                 AM90.5  AM91.1
                                                                 AM91.2  AM91.4

ASBSET3   CONVENTION    KeyChange                                AMCV.1

ASBSET4   METHOD        KeyChange                                AMMD.1

ASBSET5   LIFE          KeyChange                                AMLF.1

                         AMASTBOOK FILE RELATIONS



Amasset        AMASSET      Not Required

                            ASB-ASSET            -> AST-ASSET

Amastbkdsp     AMASTBKDSP   Not Required

                            ASB-ASSET            -> ABD-ASSET
                            ASB-BOOK             -> ABD-BOOK

Amasttype      AMASTTYPE    Not Required

                            AST-COMPANY          -> ATP-COMPANY
                            AST-ASSET-TYPE       -> ATP-ASSET-TYPE
                            AST-SUB-TYPE         -> ATP-SUB-TYPE

Ambook         AMBOOK       Required

                            ASB-BOOK             -> AMB-BOOK

Amcalendar     AMCALENDAR   Not Required

                            ASB-BOOK             -> AMC-BOOK
                            AST-COMPANY          -> AMC-COMPANY

Amdivision     AMDIVISION   Not Required

                            AST-DIVISION         -> DIV-DIVISION

Amlocation     AMLOCATION   Not Required

                            AST-LOCATION-NAME    -> LOC-LOCATION-NAME

Ammethod       AMMETHOD     Required

                            ASB-METHOD           -> AMM-METHOD

                         AMASTBOOK FILE RELATIONS



Amastbkadj     AMASTBKADJ

                            ASB-ASSET            -> ABA-ASSET
                            ASB-BOOK             -> ABA-BOOK

Amastbktrf     AMASTBKTRF

                            ASB-ASSET            -> ABT-ASSET
                            ASB-BOOK             -> ABT-BOOK

Ambkhist       AMBKHIST

                            ASB-ASSET            -> ABH-ASSET
                            ASB-BOOK             -> ABH-BOOK

Ambktrans      AMBKTRANS

                            ASB-ASSET            -> ABK-ASSET
                            ASB-BOOK             -> ABK-BOOK
                            AMC-COMPANY          -> ABK-COMPANY

Amclassdep     AMCLASSDEP

                            AST-COMPANY          -> CLD-COMPANY
                            ASB-BOOK             -> CLD-BOOK
                            AST-ASSET-TYPE       -> CLD-ASSET-TYPE
                            AST-SUB-TYPE         -> CLD-SUB-TYPE

Amtrans        AMTRANS

                            ASB-ASSET            -> AMT-ASSET
                            "R"                  -> AMT-TRANS-STATUS
                            AMC-COMPANY          -> AMT-COMPANY
                            ASB-BOOK             -> AMT-BOOK

Amtypalloc     AMTYPALLOC

                            AST-COMPANY          -> ALL-COMPANY
                            AST-ASSET-TYPE       -> ALL-ASSET-TYPE
                            AST-SUB-TYPE         -> ALL-SUB-TYPE