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                            AMASTBKTRF FILE

                          Asset Book Transfer

This file contains historical asset book information related to transfers.


AM145     AM190     AM192     AM230     AM281     AM40.1
AM40.2    AM40.3    AM40.4    AM41.1    AM41.2    AM502
AM92.1    AMDL.1


AM135     AM154     AM30.1    AM30.2    AM300     AM310
AM520     AM115     AM117     AM125     AM15.1    AM15.2
AM15.3    AM15.4    AM170     AM20.1    AM20.2    AM20.3
AM20.4    AM20.5    AM20.6    AM21.1    AM21.2    AM21.3
AM21.4    AM21.5    AM21.6    AM500     AM551     AM96.1


ABT-ASSET              Numeric 10                                AM135   AM154
Element: Asset         Key field. The asset number contains up   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       to ten numeric characters that uniquely
                       identify an asset. Assets are
                       automatically numbered system-wide.

ABT-TO-ASSET           Numeric 10                                AM135   AM154
Element: To Asset      This is the to-asset for the transfer.    AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-BOOK               Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Book          Key field. This is a user-defined book    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       name. Books are used by assets for        AM520
                       calculating depreciation, replacement
                       cost, and insurance values, and for

ABT-TO-BOOK            Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: To Book       Key field. This is a user-defined book    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       name. Books are used by assets for
                       calculating depreciation, replacement
                       cost, and insurance values, and for

ABT-PROCESS-SEQ        Numeric 6                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Process SequenKey field. This is the sequence number    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       for the transfer process.

ABT-BOOK-STATUS        Alpha 1                                   AM135   AM154
Element: Book Status   This field indicates the status of the    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       book. Valid values are:
                       A = Active
                       I = Inactive

ABT-BOOK-CURR          Alpha 5                                   AM135   AM154
Element: Book Curr                                               AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-BOOK-CURR       Alpha 5                                   AM135   AM154
Element: To Book Curr                                            AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-BOOK-CURR-ND       Numeric 1                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Book Curr Nd                                            AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-BK-CURR-ND      Numeric 1                                 AM135   AM154
Element: To Bk Curr Nd                                           AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-LIFE               Numeric 4                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Life          This is the asset life in months.         AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-LIFE-REM           Signed 7.3                                AM135   AM154
Element: Life RemainingThis is the remaining life for the        AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-BOOK-BASIS         Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Book Basis    This field contains the amount on which   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       the depreciation calculations for the
                       book are based.

                       Note: The depreciation basis amount can
                       be different for each depreciation book

ABT-FR-BOOK-BASIS      Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-BOOK-BASIS      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Book Basis This field contains the amount on which   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       the depreciation calculations for the
                       transfer-to asset book are based.

ABT-METHOD             Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Method        This is the asset book depreciation       AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-METH-SWITCHED      Alpha 1                                   AM135   AM154
Element: Method SwitcheThis is the switch used to indicate       AM30.1  AM30.2
                       when the Asset Management system has
                       switched the depreciation method to STL
                       (Straight Line). It remains blank until
                       the switch occurs. The system then fills
                       in an asterisk ("*").

                       Valid values are:

                       # = (Blank); the switch is not in use.

                       * = (Asterisk); the depreciation method
                       has been switched to STL (Straight

ABT-INSRV-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM135   AM154
Element: In Service DatThis is the in-service date for the       AM30.1  AM30.2

                       Note:  The in-service date can be
                       different for each depreciation book

ABT-METH-TABLE-YR      Numeric 2                                 AM135   AM154
Element: Method Table YThis field indicates what year of its     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       life an asset is in. Various tables use
                       this year in their calculations.

ABT-CONVENTION         Alpha 2                                   AM135   AM154
Element: Convention    This is the in-service convention for     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       the asset, which determines the amount
                       of depreciation it receives in its first
                       and last years in service. Valid values
                       FM = Full Month
                       HM = Modified Half Month
                       AD = Actual Days
                       HY = Half Year
                       MY = Modified Half Year
                       MQ = Mid Quarter
                       MM = Mid Month
                       FY = Full Month
                       NM = Next Month

ABT-DEPR-STARTDATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     AM135   AM154
Depreciation Start     This is the date from which               AM30.1  AM30.2
Date                   depreciation calculation begins.

ABT-LIFE-YEARS         Signed 5.2                                AM135   AM154
Element: Life Years    This is the asset life in years.          AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-STATUS-CP-CALC     Alpha 1                                   AM135   AM154
Calculate Curr         This field indicates whether              AM30.1  AM30.2
Period Status          depreciation has been calculated for the
                       current period.

ABT-LIFE-CP            Signed 5.3                                AM135   AM154
Element: Life          This is the portion of the asset life     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       for the current period.

ABT-TRAN-ND            Numeric 1                                 AM135   AM154
Transaction Number     The number of decimal positions defined   AM30.1  AM30.2
of Decimals            for the transaction currency.

ABT-TO-TRAN-ND         Numeric 1                                 AM135   AM154
Account Currency       The number of decimal positions defined   AM30.1  AM30.2
Code                   for the To-Book transaction currency.

ABT-DEPR-CP            Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Current Period         This is the depreciation amount for the   AM30.1  AM30.2
Depreciation           current period for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-DEPR-CP         Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DEPR-CP         Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To Current Period      This is the current period depreciation   AM30.1  AM30.2
Depreciation           amount for the to-asset.

ABT-DEPR-CP-ALLOW      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Curr Period Deprec     This is the depreciation allowed for      AM30.1  AM30.2
Allowed                the from-asset in the current period.

ABT-FR-DP-CP-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DP-CP-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To Current Period      This is the depreciation allowed in the   AM30.1  AM30.2
Depr Allowed           current period for the to-asset.

ABT-DEPR-YTD           Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Year-to-Date           This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Depreciation           for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-DEPR-YTD        Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DEPR-YTD        Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To YTD DepreciThis is the year-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       for the to-asset.

ABT-DEPR-YTD-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Year-to-Date Depr      This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Allowed                allowance for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-DP-YTD-ALLO     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DP-YTD-ALLO     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To YTD Depreciation    This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Allowed                allowance for the to-asset.

ABT-DEPR-YTD-OVRRD     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Year-to-Date Deprec    This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Override               override amount for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-DP-YTD-OVRD     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DP-YTD-OVRD     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To YTD Depreciation    This is the year-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Override               override amount for the to-asset.

ABT-DEPR-LTD           Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Life-to-Date           This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Depreciation           for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-DEPR-LTD        Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DEPR-LTD        Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To LTD DepreciThis is the life-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       for the to-asset.

ABT-DEPR-LTD-ALLOW     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Life-to-Date Deprec    This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Allowed                allowance for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-DP-LTD-ALLO     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-DP-LTD-ALLO     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To LTD Depreciation    This is the life-to-date depreciation     AM30.1  AM30.2
Allowed                allowance for the to-asset.

ABT-LAST-CLOSE         Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Last Close    This is the last closed balance for the   AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-FR-LAST-CLOSE      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-LAST-CLOSE      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To-Asset Last This is the last closed balance for the   AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-FIRST-LAST-FL      Alpha 1                                   AM135   AM154
Element: First/Last FlaThis field is an internal,                AM30.1  AM30.2
                       system-maintained value used to control
                       depreciation calculations during the
                       first and last years of an asset's life.

                       Valid values are:

                       F = First. This is the first in-service
                       year for the asset.

                       M = Middle. The asset is in a year other
                       than the first or last.

                       L = Last. This is the last in-service
                       year for the asset.

                       C = Completely Depreciated. The asset no
                       longer participates in depreciation

                       P = Post Recovery. The system continues
                       to depreciate the asset beyond the
                       original asset life.

ABT-INACT-YTD          Signed 5.3                                AM135   AM154
Year-to-Date           This is the length of time an asset has   AM30.1  AM30.2
Inactivity             been inactive year-to-date.

ABT-INACT-LTD          Signed 7.3                                AM135   AM154
Life-to-Date            This is the time an asset has been       AM30.1  AM30.2
Inactivity             inactive life-to-date.

ABT-SALVAGE-VALUE      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Salvage Value This is the salvage value of the          AM30.1  AM30.2
                       from-asset at the end of the asset's
                       life. It can be zero.

                       If the depreciation method is STL
                       (Straight Line), the basis used for the
                       depreciation calculation is the asset
                       cost less this salvage value.

                       If the depreciation method is 200DB
                       (Double Declining Balance), 125 (125%
                       Declining Balance), 150 (150% Declining
                       Balance), or 175 (175% Declining
                       Balance), the basis used for the
                       depreciation calculation is the asset
                       cost. Depreciation is taken until the
                       total amount taken is equal to the asset
                       cost less this salvage value.

ABT-FR-SALV-VALUE      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Intl Amt                                                AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-TO-SALV-VALUE      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Salvage ValThis is the salvage value for the         AM30.1  AM30.2

                       If the depreciation method is Straight
                       Line, the basis used for the
                       depreciation calculation is the asset
                       cost less this salvage value.

                       If the depreciation method is 200DB
                       (Double Declining Balance), 125 (125%
                       Declining Balance), 150 (150% Declining
                       Balance), or 175 (175% Declining
                       Balance), the basis used for the
                       depreciation calculation is the asset
                       cost. Depreciation is taken until the
                       total amount taken is equal to the asset
                       cost less this salvage value.

ABT-BUS-PERCENT        Signed 5.2                                AM135   AM154
Element: Business PerceThis is the business use percentage for   AM30.1  AM30.2
                       the asset.

ABT-PERSONAL-USE       Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Personal Use  A personal use code defines the           AM30.1  AM30.2
                       personal use options that asset books
                       use to calculate depreciation, tax
                       credits, and annual depreciation limits
                       up to twenty years. The code is

ABT-YR1-EXP            Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: First Year ExpThis is the new first year expense for    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       the from-asset. It represents the amount
                       to expense for the First Year Expense
                       option. This U.S. tax option allows you
                       to expense and not depreciate a total
                       dollar amount for the assets of each
                       eligible company.

ABT-FR-YR1-EXP         Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-YR1-EXP         Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To First Year          This is the new first year expense for    AM30.1  AM30.2
Expense                the to-asset. This is the first year
                       expense amount for the to-asset for the
                       First Year Expense option. This U.S. tax
                       option allows you to expense and not
                       depreciate a total amount for the assets
                       of each eligible company.

ABT-TC-TABLE           Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Tax Credit TabA user-defined tax credit table, which    AM30.1  AM30.2
                       defines tax credit percentages and
                       annual tax credit recapture percentages
                       for up to twenty years. Asset books use
                       tax credit tables to calculate tax

ABT-TC-PROPERTY        Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Property Tax CThis is the tax credit amount for the     AM30.1  AM30.2
                       from-asset, if you are taking a tax
                       credit for used property.

ABT-FR-TC-PROPERTY     Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-TC-PROPERTY     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To Property Tax         This is the tax credit amount for the    AM30.1  AM30.2
Credit                 to-asset, if you are taking a tax credit
                       for used property.

ABT-TAX-CREDIT         Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: Tax Credit    This is the tax credit amount for the     AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-FR-TAX-CREDIT      Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-TAX-CREDIT      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Element: To Tax Credit This is the tax credit amount for the     AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-INS-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Insurance MethThis is the insurance method for the      AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-INS-ACT-VAL        Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Actual Insurance       This is the actual insurance value for    AM30.1  AM30.2
Value                  the from-asset.

ABT-FR-INS-ACT-VAL     Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-INS-ACT-VAL     Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To Actual Insurance    This is the actual insurance value for    AM30.1  AM30.2
Value                  the to-asset.

ABT-INS-CMPTD-VAL      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Computed Insurance     This is the computed insurance value      AM30.1  AM30.2
Value                  for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-INS-CMPTD       Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-INS-CMPTD       Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To Computed            This is the computed insurance value      AM30.1  AM30.2
Insurance Value        for the to-asset.

ABT-RPL-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  AM135   AM154
Element: Replacement MeThis is the replacement method for the    AM30.1  AM30.2

ABT-RPL-CMPTD-VAL      Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
Computed               This is the computed replacement value    AM30.1  AM30.2
Replacement Value      for the from-asset.

ABT-FR-RPL-CMPTD       Signed 18.2                               AM30.1  AM30.2
Element: Intl Amt

ABT-TO-RPL-CMPTD       Signed 18.2                               AM135   AM154
To Computed            This is the computed replacement value    AM30.1  AM30.2
Replacement Value      for the to-asset.

ABT-TRF-TRF-DATE       Derived
Element: Transfer Date This is the date of the transfer.

ABT-TRF-FULL-PART      Derived
Full or Partial        This field shows whether the transfer
Transfer               is a full transfer (including all items)
                       or a partial transfer (including only
                       some items).

ABT-TRF-TRF-TYPE       Derived
Element: Transfer Type This field indicates the type of the

ABT-AST-TAG-NBR        Derived
Element: Tag Number    This is the tag, a user-definable
                       identifier, for the asset.

ABT-TO-AST-TAG         Derived
Element: To Tag Number This is the tag for the to-asset.

ABT-AST-ASSET-GRP      Derived
Element: Asset Group   This is the asset group for the

ABT-TO-AST-GROUP       Derived
Element: To Asset GroupThis is the asset group for the

Element: Book Currency This is the currency for the book.

Element: Creation Date This is the date the transfer was

Element: Creation Time This is the time the transfer was

Element: Creator ID    This is the ID of the person who
                       created the transfer.

                         AMASTBKTRF FILE INDEX


ABTSET1   ASSET                                                  AM115   AM117
          PROCESS-SEQ                                            AM125   AM135
          BOOK                                                   AM145   AM15.1
                                                                 AM15.2  AM15.3
                                                                 AM15.4  AM154
                                                                 AM170   AM190
                                                                 AM192   AM20.1
                                                                 AM20.2  AM20.3
                                                                 AM20.4  AM20.5
                                                                 AM20.6  AM21.1
                                                                 AM21.2  AM21.3
                                                                 AM21.4  AM21.5
                                                                 AM21.6  AM230
                                                                 AM281   AM30.1
                                                                 AM30.2  AM30.3

ABTSET2   ASSET                                                  AM230   AM281
          BOOK                                                   AM310   AMDL.1

ABTSET3   ASSET                                                  AM230   AM30.1


                         AMASTBKTRF FILE RELATIONS



Amasset        AMASSET      Not Required

                            ABT-ASSET          -> AST-ASSET  (ASTSET1)

Amassettrf     AMASSETTRF   Not Required

                            ABT-ASSET          -> ATF-ASSET
                            ABT-PROCESS-SEQ    -> ATF-PROCESS-SEQ

Amastbook      AMASTBOOK    Required

                            ABT-ASSET          -> ASB-ASSET
                            ABT-BOOK           -> ASB-BOOK

Ambook         AMBOOK       Not Required

                            ABT-BOOK           -> AMB-BOOK

To Book        AMBOOK       Not Required

                            ABT-TO-BOOK        -> AMB-BOOK