Delete a Role in LSF9

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    Can a single role be deleted from multiple users in LSF9, without impacting any of the other roles, groups, etc. that are assigned to these users?

    We have a role that was created and assigned to several hundred users previously. However, due to changes made since then, this role is now obsolete and unnecessary so we'd like to remove it from all users. However, we do not want any other changes to be made to these users.

    Any ideas? Thank you.
    Veteran Member
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      Does anyone have any ideas or feedback on this post? I see that several people have viewed it, but none have commented.

      We also have an obsolete group that was created in Resource Manager & assigned to about 150 users, but which has since been replaced with another group, so it too is obsolete. I'd like to get rid of both if I can, withour effecting any of the other roles or groups presently assigned to the affected users.

      Thank you for any ipnut anyone can provide.
      Basic Member
      Posts: 17
      Basic Member
        I am not sure if you can mass delete somehow as I've never found a way. My experience has been you need to remove the security classes from the role to deleted, remove the role from each user account, then delete the role in Resource Manager. You will get an error message if you try to delete a role that is being used on RM user accounts.
        Veteran Member
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          Thank you Al. That's what we have found as well, but were wondering if anyone had found any way to work around it. Thanks again.
          Lee Wall
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          Posts: 4
          Basic Member
            Do you have Processflow Integrator? The only way I've found to mass delete a role from multiple user records is to use the Resource Query and Resource Update nodes in processflow integrator. Use the Query node to indentify all users with the oudated role, then the resource update  node to remove the role from the user record.
            Advanced Member
            Posts: 23
            Advanced Member
              The loadusers command can be used to replace a user (and all associated groups and roles) in Lawsom RM. We currently have a Perl script that automatically builds the necessary XML input file for loading new users. If you could query LDAP (which can be done with a Perl module), it should be possible to build the correct XML input to replace an existing user with a new version including whatever changes you require (adding or removing roles, etc.). We are planning on trying this.
              Veteran Member
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                Thanks Lee Wall and Chris!

                Basically what Chris suggested is how we did it as well. We ran scripts to create files indicating what all the current roles, groups, etc. are assigned to each individual and then updated the files by removing the target role we wanted to get rid of, then ran the loadusers to update using the newly edited xml files. However, this process was a long and involved one, so we are wondering if there might be a more efficient method out there.

                Lee, would you be able to provide any additional information on how to utilize Process Flow to accomplish this? We do have PFI, but have never used the Resource Update node and are a little skiddish about doing so.

                Thank you.
                KK - Infor
                Veteran Member
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                  You can achieve this using PFI/ PFX
                  - Have a Resource query node Inquire all the Roles/ Groups etc.
                  - Assign it to a variable
                  - Using Branch/ JavaScript strip out/ replace the ones you don't need
                  - Assign the rest using the Resource Update again.

                  This is a little more involved process, however works like a charm since it uses the standard Lawson tools.
                  Veteran Member
                  Posts: 279
                  Veteran Member
                    Thanks KK!

                    ...and doing so through Process Flow has no impact to the user whose profile you're updating? (i.e. - no change in password is required, etc.)

                    That's our biggest concern, to be able to remove these obsolete roles without needing to mass communicate the change to all "affected" users, since it really has no impact to the end users.

                    Thank you.
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