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                             ITEMMAST FILE

                              Item Master

The Item Master file stores static information about each item. Every item
has one Item Master record which contains data such as description, classes,
units of measure, and weight. This data is shared by all Item Location records
for this item.


BL04.1    BL10.1    BL121     BL123     BL125     BL140
BL141     BL15.1    BL204     BL210     BL215     BL220
BL230     BL240     BL241     BL243     BL245     BL246
BL247     BL248     BL290     BL30.3    BL30.5    BL31.1
BL31.2    BL31.3    BL31.5    BL31.7    BL32.2    BL32.3
BL32.4    BL33.1    BL330     BL331     BL340     BL341
BL40.1    BL40.2    BL40.3    BL42.1    BL42.2    BL45.3
BL46.3    BL47.3    BL48.3    BL80.1    BL85.1    BL85.2
BL90.1    CXCP.1    DR100     DR25.1    DR40.1    DR42.1
IC00.1    IC110     IC12.1    IC12.2    IC120     IC125
IC13.1    IC130     IC134     IC135     IC138     IC140
IC141     IC142     IC143     IC145     IC150     IC151
IC152     IC170     IC175     IC179     IC182     IC19.1
IC190     IC191     IC192     IC20.1    IC20.2    IC21.1
IC21.2    IC210     IC211     IC212     IC213     IC219
IC22.1    IC22.2    IC220     IC221     IC222     IC223
IC224     IC225     IC226     IC227     IC228     IC229
IC23.1    IC23.2    IC23.3    IC23.4    IC23.5    IC230
IC232     IC233     IC234     IC237     IC238     IC239
IC24.1    IC24.2    IC240     IC241     IC242     IC243
IC25.1    IC26.1    IC26.2    IC260     IC262     IC27.1
IC270     IC28.1    IC280     IC281     IC283     IC29.1
IC29.2    IC29.3    IC295     IC30.1    IC31.1    IC320
IC36.1    IC38.1    IC40.1    IC40.2    IC41.1    IC42.1
IC42.2    IC42.3    IC42.4    IC43.1    IC45.1    IC47.1
IC48.1    IC49.1    IC50.1    IC50.2    IC500     IC51.1
IC519     IC52.1    IC520     IC521     IC522     IC523
IC524     IC525     IC526     IC527     IC53.1    IC530
IC531     IC550     IC574     IC589     IC59.1    IC590
IC61.1    IC65.1    IC67.1    IC68.1    IC68.2    IC68.3
IC70.1    IC72.1    IC73.1    IC74.1    IC76.1    IC81.1
IC81.2    IC812     IC82.1    IC820     IC83.1    IC840
IC850     IC851     IC90.1    IC95.1    IC95.2    IC95.3
ICI1.1    ICI8.1    ICIT.1    PC10.1    PC120     PC20.1
PC540     PC810     SEA1.1    MA278     MA310     MA53.5
MA63.1    MA65.1    MA66.2    MA66.3    PO125     PO13.1
PO130     PO132     PO133     PO135     PO136     PO15.1
PO15.2    PO16.1    PO16.2    PO190     PO213     PO215
PO216     PO220     PO223     PO224     PO225     PO227
PO228     PO230     PO233     PO24.1    PO26.1    PO275
PO276     PO277     PO28.1    PO280     PO295     PO550
PO560     PO60.1    PO61.1    PO62.1    PO63.1    PO64.1
PO67.1    PO72.1    PO85.1    PO94.1    POAP.1    POI7.1
POID.1    POIH.1    POIJ.1    RQ11.1    RQ111     RQ12.1
RQ13.1    RQ140     RQ230     RQ235     RQ39.1    RQ39.2
RQ39.3    RQ40.1    RQ42.1    RQ44.1    RQ44.2    RQ50.1
RQ780     SEA3.1    WH110     WH120     WH126     WH130
WH140     WH22.1    WH220     WH221     WH224     WH225
WH226     WH33.1    WH33.2    WH33.3    WH33.4    WH33.5
WH33.6    WH33.8    WH33.9    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3
WH34.4    WH34.5    IC08.1    IC07.1    IC06.1    RQ250
IC05.1    IC14.1


IC10.2    IC11.1    IC18.1    IC330     IC60.1    IC62.1
IC780     IC811     ICI4.1    ICI5.1    ICI6.1    ICI7.1


ITE-ITEM-GROUP       Alpha 5                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Item Group           This field contains the identifier for      IC811
                     a group of items that can be shared by
                     one or more companies.

ITE-ITEM             Alpha 32                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Item Number          This field contains the item                IC811

ITE-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      BL241   BL243
Description          This field contains the first line of       BL341   BL42.1
                     the description.                            IC10.2  IC11.1
                                                                 IC270   IC330
                                                                 IC811   PO60.1
                                                                 PO63.1  PO85.1
                                                                 WH110   WH126
                                                                 WH221   WH224

ITE-DESCRIPTION2     Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      BL241   BL243
Second Description   This field contains the second line of      IC10.2  IC11.1
                     the description.                            IC270   IC330
                                                                 IC811   PO26.1
                                                                 PO85.1  WH110

ITE-STOCK-UOM        Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Stocking Unit of     This is the stock unit of measure for       IC243   IC811
Measure              the item.                                   WH110

ITE-SEC-UOM          Alpha 4                                     IC11.1  IC811
Secondary Unit of    This field contains the secondary
Measure              quantity unit of measure.

ITE-SEC-UOM-MULT     Signed 13.7                                 IC11.1  IC811
Secondary UOM        This field contains the multiplier for
Multiplier           the secondary quantity unit of measure.
                     It is used to convert the stock-on-hand
                     quantity to the secondary quantity or
                     visa versa. This field is calculated
                     using the secondary conversion factor.

ITE-SEC-UOM-CONV     Signed 10.5                                 IC11.1  IC811
Secondary UOM        This field contains the secondary unit
ConversionFactor     of measure conversion factor.

ITE-CTW-CODE         Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Catch Weight Code    This field indicates whether this item      IC330   IC811
                     is a catch weight item. A catch weight      PO60.1  PO63.1
                     item tracks two quantities with two
                     different units of measure. The first
                     quantity is the stock quantity (for
                     catch weights this would be pounds). The
                     second quantity is the secondary
                     quantity (for example, case). This field
                     controls when both quantities are
                     N = Not a Catch Weight Item.
                     A = All Transactions Require Both.
                     I = Enter Both Qty's at Issue
                     R = Enter Both Qty's at Receipt

ITE-CTW-VAR-PCT      Signed 5.2                                  IC10.2  IC11.1
Catch Weight         This field contains the catch weight        IC330   IC811
Variance Percent     variance percent. It is used to give a
                     warning message if the stock and
                     secondary quantities on a catch weight
                     transaction are outside this variance

ITE-GENERIC          Alpha 10                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Generic Name         This field contains a user-defined          IC330   IC811
                     general name for an item, used for
                     searching for an item.

ITE-FREIGHT-CLASS    Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Freight Class        This field contains the user-defined        IC330   IC811
                     freight classification code. The
                     Warehouse system uses freight classes
                     for bill of lading processing.

ITE-PURCH-MAJCL      Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Major Purchasing     This field contains the user-defined        IC330   IC811
Class                major purchasing class identifier.

ITE-PURCH-MINCL      Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Minor Purchasing     This field contains the user-defined        IC330   IC811
Class                minor purchasing class identifier.

ITE-INVEN-MAJCL      Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Inventory Major      This field contains the user-defined        IC330   IC811
Class                major inventory class code.

ITE-INVEN-MINCL      Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Inventory Minor      The user-defined minor inventory class      IC330   IC811
Class                code within the major class.

ITE-SALES-MAJCL      Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Sales Major Class    This field contains the sales major         IC330   IC811
                     class code.

ITE-SALES-MINCL      Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Sales Minor Class    This field contains the sales minor         IC330   IC811
                     class code within the major class.

ITE-MANUF-CODE       Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Manufacturer's Code  This field contains a user-defined code     IC330   IC811
                     that indicates the manufacturer of an

ITE-MANUF-DIVISION   Alpha 4                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Manufacturer's       This is a user defined code that            IC330   IC811
Division             indicates which division of a
                     manufacturer is tied to an item.

ITE-MANUF-NBR        Alpha 15                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Manufacturer's Item  This is the identifier that the             IC330   IC811
Number               manufacturer has assigned to an item.

ITE-HAZARD-CODE      Alpha 8                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Hazard Code          This field contains a short code            IC330   IC811
                     describing why an item can be hazardous.

ITE-PURCH-TAX-FL     Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Purchasing Tax Flag  This flag specifies if this item is         IC330   IC811
                     taxable when it is purchased. It
                     defaults to No (nontaxable). The value
                     Yes indicates taxable.
                     " " = Default to Next Level
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ITE-PURCH-TAX-CD     Alpha 10                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Purchasing Tax       This code is used to determine if this      IC330   IC811
Table Code           item is taxable when purchased and to
                     extract tax data from the Tax file based
                     on this tax code.

ITE-PROD-TAX-CAT     Alpha 15                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Product Tax Category This field contains a classification of     IC330   IC811
                     items for determining taxes using the
                     VERTEX system in the Order Entry system.

Harmonize Code       This field contains the harmonize class

ITE-WEIGHT           Signed 9.3                                  IC10.2  IC11.1
Unit Weight          This field contains the net unit weight     IC330   IC811
                     of the item based on the stock unit of

ITE-CUBIC-FEET       Signed 9.3                                  IC10.2  IC11.1
Cubic Feet           This field contains the net unit cubic      IC330   IC811
                     measure of the item based on the stock
                     unit of measure.

ITE-NBR-DEC-QTY      Numeric 1                                   BL121   BL125
Nbr of Decimals for  This field contains the number of           BL290   BL80.1
Quantity             decimal places that are entered and         IC10.2  IC11.1
                     displayed for the cost field.               IC330   IC811
                     0 = 0 Decimals                              PO63.1  PO67.1
                     1 = 1 Decimal                               WH130
                     2 = 2 Decimals
                     3 = 3 Decimals
                     4 = 4 Decimals

ITE-NBR-DEC-COST     Numeric 1                                   IC10.2  IC11.1
Number of Decimals   This field contains the number of           IC330   IC811
for Cost             decimal places that are entered and
                     displayed for the unit cost field.
                     0 = No Decimals
                     1 = One Decimal
                     2 = Two decimals
                     3 = Three Decimals
                     4 = Four decimals
                     5 = Five decimals

ITE-NBR-DEC-PRICE    Numeric 1                                   BL121   BL125
Number of Decimals   This field contains the number of           BL241   BL290
for Price            decimal places that are entered and         BL341   BL40.1
                     displayed for the unit cost field.          BL40.2  BL40.3
                     0 = No Decimals                             BL80.1  IC10.2
                     1 = One Decimal                             IC11.1  IC330
                     2 = Two Decimals                            IC811
                     3 = Three Decimals
                     4 = Four Decimals
                     5 = Five Decimals

ITE-LOT-TRACK-FL     Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Lot Tracking Flag    This field contains the lot tracking        IC330   IC811
                     field which indicates whether the item      WH130
                     is tracked by a lot/sublot number.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ITE-SER-TRACK-FL     Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Serial Tracking Flag This field determines if the item is to     IC330   IC811
                     be tracked by a serial number.              WH130
                     I = Issues
                     N = Not tracked
                     R = Receipts

ITE-CERT-REQ-FL      Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Certification        This field indicates whether a              IC330   IC811
Required Flag        certification is required when this item
                     is purchased.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ITE-KIT-ITEM-FL      Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Kit Item Flag        This field indicates whether a kit has      IC330   IC60.1
                     been set up for this item.                  IC62.1  IC811
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ITE-BRKN-CS-CHRG     Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Broken Case Charge   This flag determines if there is a          IC330   IC811
                     charge to break up a case to satisfy an
                     order in the Order Entry system.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

ITE-REPLACE-ITEM     Alpha 32                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Replacement Item     This field contains a valid item number     IC330   IC811
                     designated as a replacement for this

ITE-USER-FIELD1      Alpha 30                                    IC10.2  IC11.1
Item Mster User      This is the first user-defined field.       IC330   IC811
Defined Field1       Set up the title of this field in IC00.1
                     (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD2      Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      IC10.2  IC11.1
Item Mster User      This is the second user-defined field.      IC330   IC811
Defined Field2       It can contain any data the user wants.
                     The title of this field is set up in
                     IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD3      Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      IC10.2  IC11.1
Item Mster User      This is the third user-defined field.       IC330   IC811
Defined Field3       It can contain any data the user wants.
                     The title of this field is set up in
                     IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD4      Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      IC10.2  IC11.1
Item Mster User      This is the fourth user-defined field.      IC330   IC811
Defined Field4       It can contain any data the user wants.
                     The title of this field is set up in
                     IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD5      Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      IC10.2  IC11.1
User Mster User      This is the fifth user-defined field.       IC330   IC811
Defined Field5       It can contain any data the user wants.
                     The title of this field is set up in
                     IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD-N1    Signed 13.5                                 IC10.2  IC11.1
User Defined         This is the first user-defined numeric      IC330   IC811
Numeric Field 1      field. It can contain any data the
                     user wants. The title of this field is
                     set up in IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD-N2    Signed 13.5                                 IC10.2  IC11.1
User Defined         This is the second user-defined numeric     IC330   IC811
Numeric Field 2      field. It can contain any data the
                     user wants. The title of this field is
                     set up in IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-USER-FIELD-N3    Signed 13.5                                 IC10.2  IC11.1
User Defined         This is the third user-defined numeric      IC330   IC811
Numeric Field 3      field. It can contain any data the
                     user wants. The title of this field is
                     set up in IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group).

ITE-SEQ              Numeric 3                                   IC10.2  IC11.1
Sequence Number      This field contains the last sequence       IC18.1  IC811
                     number used for the item comments added
                     in IC18.1 (Item Comments) for this item.

ITE-ADDED-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       IC10.2  IC11.1
Date Item was Added  This field contains the date the Item       IC330   IC811
                     Master record was originally added in
                     IC11.1 (Item Master) or IC10.1
                     (Formats). The field defaults to the
                     system date when the record is added.

ITE-MSDS-FLAG        Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Material Safety      This field indicates whether this item      IC330   IC811
DataSheet Flag       requires a Material Safety Data Sheet.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ITE-ACTIVE-STATUS    Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Status               This status flag indicates whether this     IC330   IC811
                     item is active or inactive. If inactive,
                     no transactions can be entered using
                     this item, but transactions that are in
                     process can be completed.
                     I = Inactive
                     A = Active

ITE-ALT-UOM          Alpha 4 Occurs 10 Times                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Alternate Unit of    This field contains the alternate unit      IC811
Measure              of measure for this item.

ITE-ALT-UOM-CONV     Signed 10.5 Occurs 10 Times                 IC10.2  IC11.1
AlternateUOM         This field contains the conversion          IC811
Conversion Factor    factor from the alternate unit of
                     measure to the stock unit of measure.

ITE-ALT-UOM-MULT     Signed 13.7 Occurs 10 Times                 IC10.2  IC11.1
Alternate UOM        This field contains the multiplier for      IC811
Multiplier           converting an alternate unit of measure
                     to the stock unit of measure. It is
                     calculated by IC11.1 (Item Master) based
                     on the conversion factor and the
                     relationship between the stock and
                     alternate units of measure.

ITE-TRACKING-FL      Alpha 1 Occurs 10 Times                     IC11.1  IC811
Tracking Flag        This field indicates whether quantities
                     are tracked by this alternate unit of
                     X = X- Inventory Tracked

ITE-TRANS-FL         Alpha 1 Occurs 10 Times                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Transaction Flag     This flag indicates whether this            IC811
                     alternate unit of measure is valid for
                     inventory transactions. The flag
                     settings consist of the following.

                     Blank = Cannot be used.
                     1 = Valid. Default on transaction.
                     2 = Valid.

ITE-SELL-FL          Alpha 1 Occurs 10 Times                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Selling Flag         This field indicates whether this           IC811
                     alternate unit of measure is valid for
                     the sell quantity in the Order Entry
                     system. The flag settings consist of the

                     Blank = Cannot be used.
                     1 = Valid. Default on entry.
                     2 = Valid.

ITE-SELL-PRICE-FL    Alpha 1 Occurs 10 Times                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Sell Price Flag      This field indicates whether this           IC811
                     alternate unit of measure is valid for
                     the sell price in the Order Entry
                     system. The flag settings consist of the

                     Blank = Cannot be used.
                     1 = Valid. Default on entry.
                     2 = Valid.

ITE-BUY-FL           Alpha 1 Occurs 10 Times                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Buying Flag          This field indicates whether this           IC811
                     alternate unit of measure is valid for
                     the buy quantity in the Purchase Order
                     system. The flag settings consist of the

                     Blank = Cannot be used.
                     1 = Valid. Default on entry.
                     2 = Valid.

ITE-PACKING-WEIGHT   Signed 9.3 Occurs 10 Times                  IC10.2  IC11.1
Packing Weight       This field contains the packed weight       IC811
                     of an item in the alternate unit of

ITE-PACKING-CUBIC    Signed 9.3 Occurs 10 Times                  IC10.2  IC11.1
Packing Cubic        This field contains the cubic measure       IC811
                     of the packed alternate unit of measure.

ITE-USE-IDENTIFIER   Alpha 1                                     IC11.1  IC811
Use Identifier       D = Drugs
                     M = Instrument
                     R = Reusable
                     P = Pharmacy
                     I = Inventory
                     N = Nonstock
                     X = Special
                     S = Service
                     L = Implant

ITE-CONSIGNMENT-FL   Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Consignment Fl       The consignment flag set to Y indicates     IC330   IC811
                     that this item is not to be counted as
                     part of the owned inventory.  It will
                     defualt to N and will be defaulted to
                     the ITEMLOC record with the same flag.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

ITE-UPC-EXISTS       Numeric 1                                   ICI4.1
Upc Exists           This is a flag to indicate that UPC
                     numbers exist for this item.
                     0 = No
                     1 = Yes

ITE-UPN1-EXISTS      Numeric 1                                   ICI5.1
Upn1 Exists          This is a flag to indicate that UPN1
                     numbers exist for this item.
                     0 = No
                     1 = Yes

ITE-UPN2-EXISTS      Numeric 1                                   ICI6.1
Upn2 Exists          This is a flag to indicate that UPN2
                     numbers exist for this item.
                     0 = No
                     1 = Yes

ITE-SKU-EXISTS       Numeric 1                                   ICI7.1
Sku Exists           This is a flag to indicate that SKU
                     numbers exist for this item.
                     0 = No
                     1 = Yes

ITE-NDC-EXISTS       Numeric 1
Ndc Exists           This is a flag to indicate that NDC
                     numbers exist for this item.
                     0 = No
                     1 = Yes

ITE-INSP-REQ-FL      Alpha 1                                     IC10.2  IC330
Inspection Required  This flag indicates whether this item       IC811
Flag                 has to be inspected when received via

ITE-ICN-CODE         Alpha 8                                     IC10.2  IC11.1
Icn Code             ICN stands for Intrastat Classification     IC330   IC811
                     Nomenclature.  ICN code is a combination
                     of the 2digit Harmonize System Chapter
                     code, 2digit Harmonize Heading, 2digit
                     Harmonize Subheading, and 2digit
                     combined nomenclature code.  The
                     Harmonize System of classification codes
                     is designed to identify items for
                     international trade.  The ICN code
                     entered on IC11 will be validated
                     against the code listing in
                     INSTCMDTY(IN03).  When a code is added
                     there will also be a check to make sure
                     there is a alternate uom defined for the
                     item that is associated with the code in

ITE-OBJ-ID           Numeric 12                                  IC10.2  IC11.1
Object               This is the object identifier. It is        IC780   IC811
Identification       used to relate commitments or posted
                     transactions back to the originating
                     subsystems. Each subsystem record that
                     is updated as a commitment or posted
                     transaction is assigned an object
                     identifier. The object identifier is
                     maintained in the subsystem files and in
                     the Activity Commitments Detail and
                     Activity Transaction files. The object
                     identifier is a unique key used to drill
                     back from Activity Management to the

ITE-TEXT-SEARCH      Alpha 113
Text Search

ITE-ALLOC-UOM        Derived
Allocation Unit of   This field is the allocation unit of
Measure              measure based on whether the item is a
                     catch weight or regular item.

ITE-HAZARD-FL        Derived
Hazard Flag          This field is used to display an "X" if
                     the item is hazardous.

ITE-TRACK-1          Derived
Track 1              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by more than one unit of

ITE-TRACK-2          Derived
Track 2              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by more than one unit of

ITE-TRACK-3          Derived
Track 3              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by more than one unit of

ITE-TRACK-4          Derived
Track 4              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by more than one unit of

ITE-TRACK-5          Derived
Track 5              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by more than one unit of

ITE-TRACK-6          Derived
Track 6              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by more than one unit of

ITE-VALUE-1          Derived
Value 1              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by this unit of measure.

                     1 = Tracked by this unit of measure.
                     0 = Not tracked by this unit of measure.

ITE-VALUE-2          Derived
Value 2              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by this unit of measure.

                     1 = Tracked by this unit of measure.
                     0 = Not tracked by this unit of measure.

ITE-VALUE-3          Derived
Value 3              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by this unit of measure.

                     1 = Tracked by this unit of measure.
                     0 = Not tracked by this unit of measure.

ITE-VALUE-4          Derived
Value 4              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by this unit of measure.

                     1 = Tracked by this unit of measure.
                     0 = Not tracked by this unit of measure.

ITE-VALUE-5          Derived
Value 5              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by this unit of measure.

                     1 = Tracked by this unit of measure.
                     0 = Not tracked by this unit of measure.

ITE-VALUE-6          Derived
Value 6              This field is used to determine if this
                     item is tracked by this unit of measure.

                     1 = Tracked by this unit of measure.
                     0 = Not tracked by this unit of measure.

ITE-MULT-UOMS        Derived
Mult Uoms            This field contains the value of the
                     number of units of measure this item is
                     tracked by.

                         ITEMMAST FILE INDEX


ITESET1   ITEM-GROUP                                             BL04.1  BL10.1
          ITEM                                                   BL121   BL123
                                                                 BL125   BL140
                                                                 BL141   BL15.1
                                                                 BL204   BL210
                                                                 BL215   BL220
                                                                 BL230   BL240
                                                                 BL241   BL243
                                                                 BL245   BL246
                                                                 BL247   BL248
                                                                 BL290   BL30.3
                                                                 BL30.5  BL31.1
                                                                 BL31.2  BL31.3
                                                                 BL31.5  BL31.7
                                                                 BL32.2  BL32.3

ITESET2   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange                                IC30.1  IC330

ITESET3   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange                                IC08.1  IC30.1

ITESET4   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange, Subset                        IC07.1  IC30.1
          PURCH-MAJCL   Where PURCH-MAJCL != Spaces              SEA1.1  SEA3.1

ITESET5   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange, Subset                        IC06.1  IC30.1
          INVEN-MAJCL   Where INVEN-MAJCL != Spaces              SEA1.1  RQ250
          INVEN-MINCL                                            SEA3.1

ITESET6   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange, Subset                        BL85.2  IC05.1
          SALES-MAJCL   Where SALES-MAJCL != Spaces              IC30.1  SEA1.1
          SALES-MINCL                                            SEA3.1

ITESET7   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange                                IC30.1

ITESET8   ITEM-GROUP    KeyChange                                IC14.1

                         ITEMMAST FILE RELATIONS



Genericname    ICGENERIC    Required
                            When ITE-GENERIC != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> ICG-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-GENERIC           -> ICG-GENERIC

Hazard         HAZARD       Required
                            When ITE-HAZARD-CODE != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> HAZ-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-HAZARD-CODE       -> HAZ-HAZARD-CODE

Icmanfcode     ICMANFCODE   Required
                            When ITE-MANUF-CODE != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> IMC-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-MANUF-CODE        -> IMC-MANUF-CODE
                            ITE-MANUF-DIVISION    -> IMC-MANUF-DIVISION

Inventoryclass MINORCL      Required
                            When ITE-INVEN-MAJCL != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "I"                   -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            ITE-INVEN-MAJCL       -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            ITE-INVEN-MINCL       -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

Itemgroup      ITEMGROUP    Required

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> ITG-ITEM-GROUP

Purchaseclass  MINORCL      Required
                            When ITE-PURCH-MAJCL != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "P"                   -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            ITE-PURCH-MAJCL       -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            ITE-PURCH-MINCL       -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

Replace Item   ITEMMAST     Required
                            When ITE-REPLACE-ITEM != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> ITE-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-REPLACE-ITEM      -> ITE-ITEM

Salesclass     MINORCL      Required
                            When ITE-SALES-MAJCL != Spaces

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> MIN-ITEM-GROUP
                            "S"                   -> MIN-CLASS-TYPE
                            ITE-SALES-MAJCL       -> MIN-MAJOR-CLASS
                            ITE-SALES-MINCL       -> MIN-MINOR-CLASS

                         ITEMMAST FILE RELATIONS



Itemcomments   ITCOMMENT    Delete Restricted

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> ICO-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> ICO-ITEM

Itemcompanion  ITEMSUB

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> ITS-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> ITS-ITEM
                            "C"                   -> ITS-SUBTYPE

Itemsub        ITEMSUB

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> ITS-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> ITS-ITEM
                            "S"                   -> ITS-SUBTYPE

Itemtopharitem PHARITEM

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> PHI-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> PHI-ITEM

Itemtoupc      ITEMUPC

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> IPC-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> IPC-ITEM

Itemtoupn1     ITEMUPN1

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> IPN-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> IPN-ITEM

Itemtoupn2     ITEMUPN2

                            ITE-ITEM-GROUP        -> IP2-ITEM-GROUP
                            ITE-ITEM              -> IP2-ITEM

Taxcode        TXTAXCODE

                            ITE-PURCH-TAX-CD      -> TAC-TAX-CODE